Hi everyone
Michelle Apostolides
michelleapostolides at ...
Sat Jul 28 22:38:22 UTC 2001
Hello all
Just to say I had a great time today and it was good fun as ever. Catherine and Mickey - you were fantastic ! To think that if this had taken place before April it would have been far more difficult for me to get to Blackheath and now I can come and go as I please.
But when I got home about ten minutes ago I found that my parking space ( we have numbered bays according to flat number with 2 visitors spaces. ) had a car in it. So I blocked it in - all the other flats' spaces are empty and there's one visitor's space free. But there's a bush on one side. So you know what I did ? I blocked it in !!! And to boot it's a white Mercedes four door with a go faster tailfin on it !!! Dai I have no idea what type of Merc it is but if some prick is foolish enough to go parking in my space ( which I pay for ) then I am not going to use a visitor's space or block someone else's space, Whoever owns the car can wait for me to be ready to move it tomorrow.
Cruel aren't I ?
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