[HPFGU-London] RE: Next meeting on October 11?/Welcomes etc.

Catherine Coleman catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Sun Sep 22 11:58:53 UTC 2002

In message <MCBBLKIPNKBOEBHFIPHGEEMBCAAA.neilward at ...>, Neil 
Ward <neilward at ...> writes
>Hi to all the new people who've posted in the last few days.  Let's see:
>Kathryn, Pip, Fiona, Ali.. did I miss anyone?

Yes and a welcome from me too - Ali, I'm glad to hear that you've 
changed your mind and have decided to meet us after all - now we just 
have Kathryn to persuade?

>Catherine - upstairs at the Pitcher and Piano has been fairly quiet the last
>two times we've met, so perhaps we should stick with that?  If we arrange
>eat somewhere later, perhaps Ali could then join us before we leave the

True - but we've met there on a Saturday and early in the week when it's 
much quieter.  Fridays are generally a different ballgame.  I can't 
think of a better idea though, so we should just go with this one.


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