Sirius / JAMES / iguana / prefects / SPELLS / Flitwick

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at
Mon Nov 26 04:53:26 UTC 2001

Today I missed chat because I went to see MONSTERS, INC (at a SAG 
screen with my friend who is a SAG member) and I liked it even 
better than the HP movie.

Angela wrote:

> Maybe Hagrid was to say "I'd better return the motorcycle, it's the
> only way Sirius can attract the ladies" and Book 5 reveals just how 
> dead sexy Sirius is. ;-)


Zarleycat wrote:

> Was James a Seeker, as indicated in the film, or a Chaser?

I wanted James to have been a Seeker. I was annoyed when JKR said he 
was a Chaser, and pleased that the movie changed him back.

Mirzam Black wrote:

> And if James received this award in 1972, could his second year at 
> Hogwarts really BEGIN in 1972? 

I missed something. What does the plaque have to do with James's 
second year? I'm sure the date is the end of that school year, the 
one in which he won the award, but it could be his seventh or sixth 
or fifth or fourth or third or second year. The date of 1972 kind of 
rules out James having finished school in 1979 (if 78-79 was his 
seventh year, then 72-73 was his first and he wasn't even at Hogwarts 
yet in 71-72). If he finished school in 1976, then his first year was 
69-70, 71-72 was his third year. If he was spectacular enough to win 
Most Valuable Player as a third-year, why don't we see him win it 
again when older and stronger? If he finished school in 1974, he won 
MVP as a fifth-year, which seems more reasonable. Having won it in 
his last year would be more reasonable yet, but would mess up my 

Ruth Meyer wrote:

> And we get to see Quirell holding what looks like a giant chameleon

Whereupon I immediately elbowed my companion and whispered: "What's 
he going to do to that poor iguana? He's not going to cook it in a 
potion, is he?"

Brigid slaybelle wrote:

> Or possibly Columbus knew he'd need 2 prefects and decided that 
> picking Oliver (as he's the only other 5th year we know) seemed
> like a good idea. 

Does that mean he got JKR's approval not to have a girl prefect? I 
liked the scene where Percy was leading the Gryffindor first-years in 
the same crowd as a Ravenclaw (boy) prefect was leading Ravenclaw 
first-years, but it shouldn't be that ALL the prefects are boys.

Lexicon Steve wrote:

> It states quite clearly in QA that there isn't a spell to make 
> someone fly. But Quirrel flies

At that point, Quirrell is Voldemort. He can do impossible things.

> - oculus reparo (fixes Harry's glasses)

in canon, I think in CoS, Mr Weasley uses Reparo to fix Harry's 
glasses. I don't consider Oculus Reparo to be a new spell, just that 
Hermione, as a beginner, uses the whole incantation rather than 

> - - the one that creates the fire on Snape's robe,

It was Something Incendario. I am quite irritated that I didn't hear 
the whole incantation.

> creates sunlight, which shouldn't be possible, (snip) Lupin would 
> have done it when the Dementor was on the train)

It was Patronus, not light, that deflected the Dementor on the train.

Chris Dragondor wrote:

> I also believe that I read about Prof. Flitwick or Flitiwick, being 
> obsessed with Goblin History. 

No, that was Professor Binns, the ghost who taught History of Magic. 
Flitwick taught Charms.

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