[HPFGU-Movie] Daniel Interview - Rosie Transcript

Lucy Austin lucy at luphen.co.uk
Sun Jan 13 19:25:17 UTC 2002

> Anyhow, onto the proper topic.  There is a website that has the transcript
> Daniels appearance on the Rosie O'Donnell show:
> http://www.efanguide.com/~radcliffe/transcripts.htm
> (the David Letterman transcript is there, too.)
> I've missed both airings of the show too.  Seems to me that Rosie was a
> off her rocker while she was interviewing Daniel.  Anyone else get the
> feeling?  Did anyone that actually SAW the interview get the feeling that
> Daniel was *really* uncomfortable?

Excellent, thanks for giving the link to those. Has anyone got the continuation of the Rosie one where it says they're going to meet Emma & Rupert next?

Lucy, slightly worried about the thoughts produced by the David Letterman interview with Daniel in the bath! I need to join the Too Old To Fancy Daniel Support Group!)

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