Dobby & being picky

PrncsPnut jprescot at
Thu Jun 13 15:06:56 UTC 2002

well, Perhaps Dobby in the movie is like the Dobby of the Marie 
Grandpre illustrations, but I have to admit (and I might be alone in 
this) that i dont particularily care for her illustrations.  They 
certainly dont match my vision of Harry, for one thing.  I dont know 
who does the covers for the british versions, but I've seen the one 
for PoA and that fit my minds-eye much better.
Though the book does mention that Dobby isn't the best looking 
creature in the world, i thought he would have been a bit more cuddly.
I guess my vision of Dobby was that he was so ugly, he was cute.

Yeah, Im being picky, but Dobby does play a large role and the role
reprised in the books.  So, if they have it wrong now (when compared 
to my minds eye), it's going to be wrong in all the other movies.  I 
can live with it (since, well I have no choice! haha), but since we 
all love these characters, it makes it difficult when it doesnt match 
our own visions.  See, they really should hire us. <G>


> > I know someone has already pointed this out previously on this 
> list, but if 
> > you look at the Chapter Two of Chamber of Secrets, you'll see
> the CGI 
> > rendering of Dobby is actually very close to Mary Granpre's 
> illustration. 
> > What more is it that people are looking for?
> > 

> In the UK Harry Potter books there are no illustrations. I can 
> that Dobby looks like the US illustrations and was probably agreed 
> JKR. But, the Dobby they have shown is nothing like the one I've 
> imagined. My Dobby is cuddily - and also hairy and possum like. The 
> screen Dobby isn't cute - well not to me anyway. Seeing more of him 
> might help (I hope).

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