[HPFGU-Movie] Sirius's appearance.
Margaret Dean
margdean at erols.com
Thu Feb 6 15:52:19 UTC 2003
"purple_801999 " wrote:
> Does Sirius actually have a beard?
> Many people have sited Gary Oldman's look in 'The Scarlet Letter' as
> a model for how he might look in 'Prisoner of Azkaban', but while I
> remember several references to Sirius having long unkempt hair I
> don't remember any mention of a beard. I've always pictured a
> beardless Sirius in my head! Am I wrong or is it just a matter of
> personal preference?
Well, if he didn't have any way to trim or comb his hair, you
wouldn't think he'd have any way of shaving, either, but OTOH a
beard is never mentioned. Maybe there's a quick and easy Shaving
Spell that any wizard can do, even without a wand!
--Margaret Dean
<margdean at erols.com>
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