Steve Coogan for Lupin?/ DVD interviews

Regina <> itzregina at
Thu Feb 6 21:53:15 UTC 2003

 rvotaw at i... wrote:
> On another note, you'd have thought WB could've come up with a few 
> questions to ask the kids for the DVD interview.  It's the exact 
same thing 
> they're asked every single time they are interviewed.  What was 
your favorite 
> scene?  Do you get along?  Is making the movie fun? (No, of course 
not, we hate 
> it.  Really, what a stupid question) What do your friends think?  
Tell us about 
> your character.
> The only questions requiring the slighest bit of thought are How 
has your 
> character evolved? and How have you changed as a character?  Though 
these two 
> overlap, if you ask me.
> Anyway, let's hope they ask the adults something a big more 
> Richelle

I wish they would have done a commentary on the film. They could have 
given us many insights, funny incidents and problems that may have 
happened on the set. I would also like to see some "mess-ups".  WE 
could answer most of the questions asked of the trio.   Maybe there 
will be interviews with Tom, Sean, Phelps twins, etc?  I AM looking 
forward to the adult interviews.  Besides Jason and Kenneth, I haven't
heard their take on the movies.


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