[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Steve Coogan for Lupin?/ DVD interviews

Richelle Votaw rvotaw at i-55.com
Fri Feb 7 02:45:12 UTC 2003

Gina wrote:

> I wish they would have done a commentary on the film. They could have 
> given us many insights, funny incidents and problems that may have 
> happened on the set. I would also like to see some "mess-ups".  

My favorite thing on the SS/PS DVD was the interview with Chris Columbus etc.  Because they showed a couple of quick clips of "mess ups" and behind the scenes stuff.  Very short, but very funny none the less.  Like when Daniel, Emma and Rupert had run up the aisle in McGonagall's classroom and apparently banged into the desk.  Daniel says something like "I think we were a bit over eager that time." And Maggie Smith responds "Yes, I was terrified!"  It's hilarious.  See, it doesn't take much to make me happy. :)

> WE 
> could answer most of the questions asked of the trio.   Maybe there 

Tell me about it.  Let's see, Daniel's favorite scene was the Dueling club scene because of all the people in it, and the Chamber because of the set.  Rupert's favorite was spitting up slugs.  Emma's was . . . hmm, I forgot. Well, I was close anyway. :)


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