[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Prisoner's hopes and dreams

GulPlum hp at plum.cream.org
Sat Feb 22 21:25:05 UTC 2003

Melissa wrote:

> From what I've read about the COS DVD interview with JKR and Kloves I'm not
>to worried about things important to the further plots being left out.

As if happens, from the PS/SS interviews, it seems that JKR specifically 
did *NOT* give Kloves any information.

 From http://www.wga.org/WrittenBy/1101/Kloves/Kloves.html

"As much as Rowling would share, there is plenty she would not. No matter 
how hard he tried, no matter how many angles he approached it from, Kloves 
could not pry one hint, one breath of a hint about what's in store for the 
characters he has come to love so much.

"Oh, she knows," he says, laughing, "she knows already what's going to 
happen. Who's going to be left. After Goblet of Fire [in which a character 
dies] came out, she said, 'They've not seen anything yet.' And you would 
think she would tell me something, since I am writing it. But she won't. 
Nothing. And I've tried. I've been on the phone with her for hours talking 
about all sorts of things, and then I'll slip a question in about the 
future, and she'll say, 'Sorry, can't tell you that.' Very pleasant. With a 
smile. But maddening all the same."

(end quote)

It strikes me that all JKR is doing is correcting him *after the fact*, and 
he's most emphatic that she has not let him into what's to come.

>I do think that Snape being at the Sheirking Shack is important if for no
>reason other to show the mutual hatred he and Sirius have for one another.

That is already perfectly adequately covered in dialogue, both by Lupin and 
Sirius and there's nothing stopping Kloves feel that it's enough. If I 
was't attached to the scene for other reasons, I would be inclined to agree 
with that sentiment which is why I'm so scared that it'll be cut.

>The Dementors being at the Quidditch game is less crucial because their
>effect on Harry is demonstrated during the train ride.  No one else has a
>reaction that drastic. A quick explaination from Dumbledore as to the
>possible causes (ie he has a more horrible things happen in his past than his
>classmates ect) and we can move on to his learning the Patronus.

Except that we still need a rationale for the Nimbus 2001 to be broken, and 
as I said earlier, it's important for character development purposes for 
Harry to miss the Snitch at least once, even if it's not because the other 
Seeker is better. Every on-screen Quidditch match being a foregone 
conclusion is, frankly, boring.

Furthermore, Harry suffering from the Dementors' effects on the train does 
not give him an immediately personal reason to want to deal with them, and 
the impetus to do whatever he needs to get the Patronus to work (Quidditch 
is important to him - and the viewers - and without overcoming the Dementor 
problem, he is unable to play well, and is in immedate danger).

The narrative as it stands imposes limits on where the Demensotrs can be at 
Hogwarts, and thus it's unlikely that they would come into contact with the 
pupils, so Harry has realistically little to fear. We need to have it shown 
that the Dementors cannot be trusted to stick to those limits, and that the 
school population is aware that Harry is especially prone to their effects 
*whilst others are not* (the scene on the train involves only the Trio and 
Lupin). Their presence at the Quidditch match  establishes all of these 
things. The train sequence does not.

There's also the tiny point of establishing Cedric's honesty and honour by 
his insistence that the match be replayed rather than Hufflepuff winning by 

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