Mapping Diagon Alley

Wendy Moncur wendy.moncur at
Tue May 27 22:59:44 UTC 2003

It is possible to map Diagon Alley as it appears in the movies by 
pausing DVDs.
Best initial source: the Diagon Alley Tour on the extra DVD in 
Chamber of Secrets boxed set.
Then: Scenes from Philosopher's Stone.

In a nutshell, imagine you are standing at the entrance from The Leaky 
Cauldron, facing Diagon Alley. Ahead of you is a straight narrow 
street which forks at the end either side of Gringotts. The entrance 
where you stand also forms a fork. To your left the road continues up 
some steps, to your right the road is on the same level - this is 
Knockturn Alley. (or at the very least, Knockturn Alley is somewhere 
along this road - there is a sign pointing to Knockturn Alley - it 
could be pointing *towards the direction* of KA, rather that actually 
*at* it)

The shops on your left (from where you are down towards Gringotts) are 
as follows:
An unknown Red-painted shop
Pottages's Cauldron Shop
Madam Malkin's Robes
Eyelops Owl Emporium
Wizeacres Wizardry Equipment
Apothecary - potions
Apothecary - herbs and plants
Magical Menagerie

The shops on your right are as follows:
A bookshop (this is half in Diagon Alley, half in Knockturn Alley)
Ice-cream Parlour
Quality Quidditch Supplies
Scribbulous Writing Instruments
Flourish & Blotts

This list was put together from the sources mentioned above, in about 
45 minutes of playing, pausing and scribbling. Anyone with changes or 
better evidence to the contrary, please feel free to correct me. I am 
unsure of the exact location of Ollivanders - it may be a shop or two 
out. I need to go back to the DA tour to be sure.
Notes: It helps to write down the colour of shop-fronts when doing 
this. It also helps to pause, and zoom in on signs.
I am now working on the relative size of shops, and would like to draw 
them properly. Hey if anyone has done this, please let me know!


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