Dan in GoF
anmsmom333 at cox.net
Sat Oct 4 06:02:00 UTC 2003
Torill, I lurk because I not online everyday - I wish I had the time
and I get so interested reading other people's post by the time I
think of my reply then someone post what I was going to say. That
happens a lot on the main HPFGU board, which I don't think I have
posted on in over a year. Yikes. I started to post a few time on that
board after book 5 but I am still in mourning over the death. Also,
sometimes I feel so much older than most of the fans on these list. I
think the poll on the main group shows most everyone between 18 and
30 and that puts me at least decade over the mean. (I'm 41). So yes I
feel a little... shy about posting. I have gotten braver on a couple
of Yahoo groups I post regularly on (POU - great stories and
LMRourke - great artwork) but that has only been in the past 6 months
or so.
Anyway, as for Dan's fan mail, yes I had also heard that the studio
folks sort the mail a little but, I also read this article on a day
in his life or something like that. It was linked off of the Leaky
Cauldron website and I read how his parents are his chaperones and
they protect him from overzealous fans etc. But anyway, his mom
mentioned that fans have actually figured out where he lives and mail
stuff there and one fan even came over to bring a gift. His mom told
them to put it through the mailslot. That was where I got the
impression they sort of help him with the mail. Poor kid, I cannot
imagine growing up having fans surrounding your house. I wonder if he
can still hang out with his friends. He seems like such a sweet young
man, but so grown up for a 14 year old. I hope he still has time for
Also, thanks for making me feel good about writing to David Heyman.
Sophia also told me she thought it was a nice thing to do. I was not
sure if he would 'have his day made by a fan' but I did want to show
my appreciation for how well he has handled things thus far. I told
him how concerned I was when I first learned they were making the
books into films. So many great British literary works had stinky
films made of them. I saw a version of Wuthering Heights years ago
and most of the actors were Americans with not very good accents. I
also saw a French story made into film that was not even filmed in
France. Part way into the film my friend next to me said 'hey isn't
that on highway such and such in California' and when we watched the
credits there was no mention of any filming in France. I am one fan
who is greatful the films are with all British cast and filmed in the
UK. I am also thrilled that JK has input. I think she has helped
tremendously keep the films loyal to the books.
Anyway, it is late and I still have to do my workout and I have a
haircut appointment with a nice Englishman tomorrow morning. His son
goes to school with my sons and his wife convinced me to come to
their shop. I will try to delurk more often. It isn't as painful as I
thought. ;o)
PS: On the modern clothes in POA - I think they look fine. I just
have had a thing since the first film about Harry needing bagger ill
fitting clothes but it is a minor issue to me. However, the tatoos on
Sirius bug me. I just NEVER pictured him that way. He is supposed to
be a charming handsome man who has wasted in prison but you can still
see the charming handsome man underneath - Harry's thoughts in the
tunnel after the Shack scene state that. But with tatoos??? Ick.
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