Dan in GoF

torillgrnhaug torillgrnhaug at yahoo.no
Sun Oct 5 20:46:05 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "Theresa" <anmsmom333 at c...> wrote:
> Torill, I lurk because I not online everyday - I wish I had the time 
> and I get so interested reading other people's post by the time I 
> think of my reply then someone post what I was going to say. That 
> happens a lot on the main HPFGU board, which I don't think I have 
> posted on in over a year.

The main list is too busy for me too, to keep up there is a full time
job ...nicer here, you've got a chance to get to recognize posters. 
I started to post a few time on that 
> board after book 5 but I am still in mourning over the death. 

Don't even mention it.....I went straight into a depression over that.
But still a great story, the way his life is told, to break out from
that terrible house, and then end in Azkaban, to just have some few
months of freedom before he died....

> sometimes I feel so much older than most of the fans on these list. I 
> think the poll on the main group shows most everyone between 18 and 
> 30 and that puts me at least decade over the mean. (I'm 41). So yes I 
> feel a little... shy about posting. 

Don't worry. I'm more your age than the average too, and I don't think
we're the only ones. Potter fans come at all ages. And the younger
ones need our wisdom, hehe ;)

> Anyway, as for Dan's fan mail, yes I had also heard that the studio 
> folks sort the mail a little but, I also read this article on a day 
> in his life or something like that.

A day in the life of Marcia Gresham (his mother) yeah, I read that
too. But she didn't mention anything about sorting mail, just chasing
off fans bold enough to come marching up to their front door. (and
good on them too!) Fans posting about photos they've got from Dan tell
that the pictures has a sticker on the back saying they're the
property of Warner Brothers made for publicity purposes only. It's a
big company we're dealing with, they know how to do this. Hopefully
they do their bit on protecting our young Dan too.


 However, the tatoos on 
> Sirius bug me. I just NEVER pictured him that way. He is supposed to 
> be a charming handsome man who has wasted in prison but you can still 
> see the charming handsome man underneath - Harry's thoughts in the 
> tunnel after the Shack scene state that. But with tatoos??? Ick.

I think he could have tattoos. Think about his story. Breaking away
from that terrible house in total opposition to his very posh family,
hanging out with the coolest of the cool in his teenager years, and
then riding the skies on this big bike as a young adult. I don't think
tattoos are beyond him. He wasn't just the charming man, his character
is a lot more complicated than that, filled with knots and
contradictions. His and Snape's are among the most interesting
characters in the whole series, and I hate that sadistic woman for
killing him off (Sorry, Jo, just had to get that off my chest....) 


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