[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Casting Voldy in GoF / general casting

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Sun Oct 5 17:30:25 UTC 2003


I apologize in advance for any name spelling mistakes... I don't have my
books anywhere nearby...

From: "Kelley"
> Iggy:
> > Ok then, folks... Who would YOU want to cast as Voldemort in GoF?
> >>>
> Actually, I don't have any current ideas on casting for Vold, but
> would you believe that around the time we were discussing fantasy
> casting for the movies (before we even knew there *would* be any
> movies), that I had recently seen "Die Hard" again and was struck by
> how perfect Rickman would be as Snape, and soon after that I saw "The
> Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover" for the first time, and
> pegged Gambon as excellent for *either* Dumbledore or Vold.  Weird.

IMHO, if Rickman hadn't been picked as Sapes, I would have been insistant
that he be cast as Sirius.  He would have been perfect in that part as well.
I can see Oldman or Rickman playing eachothers roles if the casting had
worked out that way and I think I wpild have still been happy.  (I think the
only advantage Rickman has for Snapes is that he can get that condesending
tone and "look-down-his-nose" image better than Oldman, IMHO.  You can
almost feel that emnity for Harry dripping from his voice.)

> > Jeremy Irons (tall, thin, wiry, can play psychotically unnerving
> roles.... >>>
> Yeah, he was a great "Scar". ;-D

*chuckle* So he's done some cartoon work.  I still think he could do the

> > only problem is whether you want LV to look about the age Irons'
> is...) >>>
> Yes, he's too young, all right.  Actually, he was one of my early
> picks for Lupin.  He didn't *quite* match my image of RL (which was
> sort of a cross between Hugh Laurie (sp?) and a young "Giles" <g>),
> but was close enough.  Rupert Everett would have been good, too.  The
> fellow who has the part (name's not coming to me offhand) doesn't
> contrast too terribly with my Lupin image, though, so I'm happy about
> that.  Can't recall the name of the actor (Timothy something) who's
> playing Pettigrew, but he's a great pick, too, imo.

*grin* I was actually thinking that he'd be too old, but when I think back
on it, I think Irons would be the right age as he looks.  (Since the Tom
Riddle scenes from the diary happened 50 years ago, Voldemort would look
about 60... But then again, if you take Pettigrew and Harry's
"contributions" to his current body, he'd possibly look younger again.)

> > Definite physical mismatch, but Anthony Hopkins would be able to do
> the scary part... *grin*  (Does the name "Hannibal Lechter" ring a
> bell to anyone?  *chuckle*) >>>
> He's still my pick for Moody.  Give him his long hair from "Zorro"
> and there you go. ;-)

Hmmm... I think I could see that one.  Of course, I could also see Ian
MacLellan (sp?) playing either Moody or Dumbledore...

> > (As a side note, a couple of us were debating whether or not Carey
> Elwes would have been able to pull off the Lucious Malfoy role.  I
> personally think he would... He's played some real jerks and
> malicious people in some of his acting.. my only doubt, really, would
> have been if he could get that evil glint in his eye the actor who
> does play LM has...  Comments?) >>>
> I do think Jason Isaacs is quite good, nice and evil, but Elwes was
> my top pick for *Lockhart*, lol.  You're right, I agree, Elwes can do
> malicious jerk really well, but as he's so great at comedic stuff,
> too, I really wanted him for Gilderoy.  Ah, well, Brannagh was
> terrific.

Hmmmm... What about Elwes as Karkaroff?  (I still can't wait to see who they
cast as Madame Maxime...)

> And, while I don't want to fall into the 'Oldman as Sirius'
> discussions, I will say he (as himself) does not come close to my
> image of Sirius, but he is quite an actor, so I'm sure he'll do the
> role justice for us hardcore fans... (I hope, I hope, I hope....) :-D
> --Kelley

Mostly what I was thinking of was the look Oldman can get, and that he's a
good actor.  (The image that kept springing to mind the most was him as the
"younger" Vlad Tsepesh in the Frances Ford Copella "Dracula" movie.)

Iggy McSnurd
the Prankster

"Blood is thicker than water... and MUCH TASTIER!"

-- one of Iggy's bumper stickers in his collection.

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