Casting Voldy in GoF / general casting

Kelley kelleythompson at
Sun Oct 5 19:08:13 UTC 2003

> IMHO, if Rickman hadn't been picked as Sapes, I would have been 
insistant that he be cast as Sirius.  He would have been perfect in 
that part as well. I can see Oldman or Rickman playing eachothers 
roles if the casting had worked out that way and I think I wpild have 
still been happy.  (I think the only advantage Rickman has for Snapes 
is that he can get that condesending tone and "look-down-his-nose" 
image better than Oldman, IMHO.  You can almost feel that emnity for 
Harry dripping from his voice.) >>>

Really, I agree; what was the deal back then, that Tim Roth was first 
in consideration for Snape, but he was otherwise committed, so the 
role went to Rickman?  Something like that I think.  Anyhow, I think 
he would have been quite good, too, but better for Sirius than for 
Snape.  Aside from Snape or Sirius, though, I can't think of what 
other part Oldman would be good for...

> > >Iggy: Jeremy Irons (tall, thin, wiry, can play psychotically 
unnerving roles.... >>>
> >
> > Kelley: Yeah, he was a great "Scar". ;-D

> *chuckle* So he's done some cartoon work.  I still think he could 
do the job. >>>

Lol!  Oh, I'm not a cartoon snob, was just being cheeky. ;-)  I 
definitely agree -- Irons nails the creepy, evil, etc., roles 
> > > Iggy: only problem is whether you want LV to look about the age 
Irons' is...) >>>
> >
> > Kelley: Yes, he's too young, all right.  <snip>

> *grin* I was actually thinking that he'd be too old, but when I 
think back on it, I think Irons would be the right age as he looks.  
(Since the Tom Riddle scenes from the diary happened 50 years ago, 
Voldemort would look about 60... >>>

Haha!  Well, Vold is 66 by the time of PoA, but as of GoF, we learned 
(from a JKR online chat) that McGonagall is about 70.  Now to me, 
Maggie Smith looks about that age, but from the books, McGonagall is 
apparently supposed to look considerably younger than that (my guess 
is probably 20 - 25 years younger; of course, Dumbledore is about 
150, too <g>).  So, Smith looks *older* than McGonagall should 
actually look.  But, for consistency, Vold should believably look to 
be near the age of Smith.

For that matter, Rickman *looks* older than Snape should, as Snape is 
about 35 or 36 (according to JKR in that same chat).  But, really, 
the consistency of the characters' ages has been stretched quite a 
bit already, so this isn't a huge deal.  Oldman certainly looks much 
more like a contemporary of Rickman's than some of my other choices 
for Sirius, so that's good...

> But then again, if you take Pettigrew and Harry's "contributions" 
to his current body, he'd possibly look younger again.) >>>

Yep, good point, and I'd bet this might even be something referred to 
if necessary to make it more acceptable.

> > Kelley:  [Hopkins] He's still my pick for Moody.  Give him his 
long hair from "Zorro" and there you go. ;-)

> Hmmm... I think I could see that one.  Of course, I could also see 
Ian MacLellan (sp?) playing either Moody or Dumbledore... >>>

Yeah, me too; I'd really like McKellen as Moody, actually.  He's 
always great.  Heh, how about Patrick Stewart as Vold?  Not *quite* a 
reversal of Magneto and Prof Xavier, but close...  ;-)

> > Kelley: You're right, I agree, Elwes can do malicious jerk really 
well, but as he's so great at comedic stuff, too, I really wanted him 
for Gilderoy.  

> Hmmmm... What about Elwes as Karkaroff?  (I still can't wait to see 
who they cast as Madame Maxime...) >>>

Now *that* would be interesting.  Hm, how about Christopher Plummer 
(for Karkaroff)?  Actually, he's about the right age for Vold, 
too....hmmm... ;-)

> > Kelley: And, while I don't want to fall into the 'Oldman as 
Sirius' discussions, I will say he (as himself) does not come close 
to my image of Sirius, but he is quite an actor, so I'm sure he'll do 
the role justice for us hardcore fans... (I hope, I hope, I 
hope....) :-D

> Mostly what I was thinking of was the look Oldman can get, and that 
he's a good actor.  (The image that kept springing to mind the most 
was him as the "younger" Vlad Tsepesh in the Frances Ford 
Copella "Dracula" movie.) >>>

Yes, I know what you mean by the "look" he can get, and of course, he 
can have such a different appearance from movie to movie...I was a 
bit shocked when I saw him credited as "Mason Verger", and he was 
very believable in "The Contender", too.

Iggy, from another post:
> As for Crouch Jr., there's a simple solution:

Have someone else play Crouch Jr. (It's a technique that's been used 
quite often... *grin*) >>>

Lol!  Did someone already suggest this (can't recall how this came to 
me) -- but, how about Paul Bettany for Crouch Jr.?


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