Two actors I'd love to see in the films

alshainofthenorth alshainofthenorth at
Mon Oct 6 20:12:25 UTC 2003

I was thinking about two other British actors I love and tried to
squeeze them into the Harry Potter films, but without satisfactory
results, probably because they have such strong regional accents (I'm
a complete sucker for Welsh and Scottish accents) Has anyone else ever
wished for Rhys Ifans and/or John Hannah to be cast, or am I alone in
the world?

Rhys Ifans: Played flatmate of Hugh Grant in Notting Hill and errant
father in Dancing at Lughnasa (lovely film btw, the first thing with
Michael Gambon I've seen). Most famous for playing wackos, but the
portrait of the father in D. a. L. was heartbreaklingly caring and
sweet. I know he's too young and has the wrong kind of accent and
David Thewlis has already been cast, but I could easily imagine him as
Lupin. If Lupin was Welsh, that is.

John Hannah: Four Weddings And A Funeral, Sliding Doors, The Mummy
Returns, title character of the TV series McCallum. Why oh why isn't
anybody in Potterverse (apart from McGonagall) portrayed as Scottish? 

Alshain, hoping that McGonagall has a nephew who will play a crucial
part in the plot  

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