[HPFGU-Movie] Two actors I'd love to see in the films

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Mon Oct 6 20:57:29 UTC 2003

From: Alshain

> Rhys Ifans: Played flatmate of Hugh Grant in Notting Hill and errant
> father in Dancing at Lughnasa (lovely film btw, the first thing with
> Michael Gambon I've seen). Most famous for playing wackos, but the
> portrait of the father in D. a. L. was heartbreaklingly caring and
> sweet. I know he's too young and has the wrong kind of accent and
> David Thewlis has already been cast, but I could easily imagine him as
> Lupin. If Lupin was Welsh, that is.

For those of you in the US, you're more likely to have seen him as Adrian in
the movie "Little Nicky", or the Welsh place-kicker, Nigel 'The Leg' Gruff,
in "the Replacements"

While it would be great to see him in one of the movies, I can't really see
him as any of the current characters, unfortunately.  (Let's hope a
character is introduced tht he could portray...)

> John Hannah: Four Weddings And A Funeral, Sliding Doors, The Mummy
> Returns, title character of the TV series McCallum. Why oh why isn't
> anybody in Potterverse (apart from McGonagall) portrayed as Scottish?

He was actually in both, "the Mummy" and "the Mummy Returns."

(Looking at his fimlography on my favorite site for such things, I've also
found out that he plays the main character in the TV movie series "Rebus"...
which makes me actually want to check them out the next time they come onto
the BBC America channel here...  Normally I don't like shows like that, but
he's a good actor.  Kinda like Robbie Coltrane in the "Cracker" series...)

Another great actor I'd love to see get a part in one of the movies is John
Rhys-Davies.  (He might work as Bagman, as an alternate to my Eddie Izzard
suggestion... other than that, the only current character I can see him as
is Grawp...)

Iggy McSnurd
the Prankster

"I love cats.  They taste just like chicken."


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