Two actors I'd love to see in the films

hickengruendler hickengruendler at
Mon Oct 6 21:38:29 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Movie at, "Iggy McSnurd" 
<coyoteschild at p...> wrote:
> Another great actor I'd love to see get a part in one of the movies 
is John
> Rhys-Davies.  (He might work as Bagman, as an alternate to my Eddie 
> suggestion... other than that, the only current character I can see 
him as
> is Grawp...)

I think Rhys-Davies is a bit to old for Bagman. In the pensieve scene 
in GoF Bagman still played Quidditch, that was 13 or 14 years before 
the main action in GoF took place. I would say Rhys-Davies is at 
least 55, if not 60, at least he looks that age, IMO. (That's my 
guess, if he turns out to be younger, than: "Sorry Mr. Rhys-Davies" 
*g*). Also, I know that Bagman isn't supposed to look like his former 
athletic self, but nonetheless I have a hard time imagine Rhys-Davies 
as a former Quidditch-Athlete. He looks a bit like Hagrid. I could 
rather see him as Crouch. I think Crouch is supposed to be thin, but 
I don't think the look is that important in Crouch's case, and I am 
sure Rhys-Davies could play the character very well. 

I could see John Hannah as Crouch as well. Although he might be a bit 
to young. Maybe as Karkaroff, but in his case (and in Fleur's, Krum's 
and Maxime's as well), I actually hope for a non-british actor.  

I don't know the other actor, so I don't know which part he could 
play. But if he really played a flatmate of Hugh Grant, I suppose he 
is in his thirties, am I right? Age-Wise I would think Bagman might 
fit, but I don't know if the actor looks the part.  

Did someone see the 10 year anniversary-concert from Lés Misérables a 
few years ago? What about Alun Armstrong who played Thénardier? In 
that mask, he already looked like Mundungus Fletcher. *g*


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