PoA expectations

huntergreen_3 patientx3 at aol.com
Wed Jun 16 09:03:05 UTC 2004

>>I was wondering how much our expectations played a part in how much 
we like PoA? I personally liked this movie very much. It lived up to 
my expectations, which were very high. PoA though, is only my third 
favorite book. I'm wondering if the majority of people who were 
disappointed in the movie would consider PoA their favorite book?<<

PoA is *easily* my favorite book of the series, and with the new 
director and all, I went into the movie with very high expectations. 
And I felt like it met all of those. Of course, I love PoA for the 
overall plot as much as I love the little details. And the overall 
plot was there, even if a few of the details were changed or left 
out. As I said in a previous post, even the things that were left out 
(besides the quidditch cup), were hinted at. Yes, the audience is 
never *told* who the mauraders really are, but Lupin and Sirius still 
know about the map / how to use it (and a few people have said their 
nicknames slip in a few times during the SS scene...I missed that 
myself, but will take their word for it). The firebolt comes later, 
but it still comes, and its still from Sirius (even if we miss out on 
his letter, and the build-up for how *fantastic* / *expensive* the 
firebolt is). We are never told the specifics of the Sirius / Snape / 
James / Lupin relationship, but its still there. Snape still hates 
Sirius, and Sirius still acts childish about it. 

>>Another thing I wonder about, is if people who were less "spoiled" 
were more disappointed?<<

I was spoiled. I read every article, every review, watched every 
clip, every trailer and every interview I could get a hold of. I knew 
every major change before I went into the theater. And I do think 
that helped. Knowing what was left out beforehand made it less 
distracting, I knew what to expect, and was able to enjoy the movie 
without worrying if a certain scene was going to be there or not (as 
in, I didn't spend the whole movie looking forward to the Snape-
Hospital scene only to be disappointed and angry when it wasn't 
there...I was disappointed and angry a few weeks beforehand when I 
found out it wasn't there).


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