[HPFGU-Movie]New composer -- why?
Sherry Garfio
sgarfio at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 4 23:36:09 UTC 2005
--- artsylynda at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 9/3/2005 8:20:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com writes:
> Can anyone tell me where I can find information on Patrick Doyle,the
> new composer for GoF. Does anyone have any idea why John Williams
> isn't the composer any longer? I think he's brillant, he does all the
> composing for all the blockbuster films...
My standby for finding info on any movie-related person is http://www.imdb.com
. John Williams is one of my favorites too, and I'm a little disappointed that
he's dumping Potter. However, he is in great demand and usually does about 5
films a year (plus he's no spring chicken). He may have simply got a better
offer, or else WB just wanted a different sound.
Patrick Doyle is also wonderful and has done quite a few fantasy films (he's
currently doing Eragon!). My personal favorites of his are Quest for Camelot
(animated) and A Little Princess (directed by Alfonso Cuaron, who directed
Azkaban). Doyle also did Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Bridget Jones's
Diary. Go look on IMDb. You'll be impressed, or at least reassured.
Sherry Garfio
"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."
-- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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