[HPFGU-Movie]New composer -- why?

Tim tmarends at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 6 16:21:38 UTC 2005

>From my understanding, Williams was working on other scores when GOF 
was ready for him to start, and he couldn't do them all AND get them 
out on time.

--- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, Sherry Garfio <sgarfio at y...> 
> --- artsylynda at a... wrote:
> > In a message dated 9/3/2005 8:20:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> > HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com writes:
> > 
> > Can  anyone tell me where I can find information on Patrick 
> > new  composer for GoF.  Does anyone have any idea why John 
> > isn't  the composer any longer?  I think he's brillant, he does 
all the  
> > composing for all the blockbuster films...
> My standby for finding info on any movie-related person is 
> .  John Williams is one of my favorites too, and I'm a little 
disappointed that
> he's dumping Potter.  However, he is in great demand and usually 
does about 5
> films a year (plus he's no spring chicken).  He may have simply got 
a better
> offer, or else WB just wanted a different sound.
> Patrick Doyle is also wonderful and has done quite a few fantasy 
films (he's
> currently doing Eragon!).  My personal favorites of his are Quest 
for Camelot
> (animated) and A Little Princess (directed by Alfonso Cuaron, who 
> Azkaban).  Doyle also did Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Bridget 
> Diary.  Go look on IMDb.  You'll be impressed, or at least 
> Sherry Garfio
> "Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims 
are identical and our hearts are open."
>     -- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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