Hi Y'all

joym999 at ... joym999 at ...
Mon Jun 25 21:29:14 UTC 2001

--- In HPFGU-NewYork at y..., Jim Ferer <jferer at y...> wrote:
> As you know, there's nothing special about the movie
> theaters in NYC, except the prices (10 and 11 dollars
> these days), especially if you have access to a wide
> screen where you live.
If I could persuade you all to visit Washington, DC, we do have a  
movie theatre which is very special, called the Uptown.  It is the 
only remaining Cinerama theatre in the U.S.  (A huge, curved screen 
-- 2001 A Space Odyssey had its big opening there, many years ago.)  
Even the most mediocre of movies is exciting on a Cinerama screen.  I 
saw all the rereleased Star Wars movies there and it was incredible.  
(Even Phantom Menace was pretty good there.) The HP movie will 
probably open there -- anyone want to make a pilgrimage?

> When we all met previously, we did a dim-sum pigout in
> Chinatown at Jim Fong, which John Walton rightly calls
> the best dim-sum palace in the city (It's on Elizabeth
> Street near Canal).  We went to the Village, speaking
> of your old haunt, and hung out at a coffee bar and
> then had dinner at a good Italian restaurant, both on
> McDougall Street. Sorry, I don't remember the names --
> anyone help out?
Cafe Reggio, on MacDougall Street.  I forget the exact cross streets, 
but it is south of West Fourth St., north of Bleeker.  I have also 
forgotten the name of the Italian restaurant, but it was on 
MacDougall, a little north of Bleeker St.

There is a Green Fields in DC, also, as well as a zillion other great 
restaurants, if anyone does decide to visit.


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