[HPFGU-NewYork] Re: Hi Y'all - Thanks

Lou Hunnebeck LHunneb at ...
Wed Jul 4 16:46:05 UTC 2001

You attended NYU in '78-'79?!!!  So did I!  I transferred to NYU in the fall
of 1977 and graduated with my BFA in June of '80!  What school did you go
to?  Were you there for graduate work or undergraduate work?  I lived in a
dorm during that period - Ruben Hall at 5th Ave & 10th Street.  And yes,
Cafe Reggio was there and was a popular spot with brooding lit students and
other romantics.

Regards to staying in NYC.  If I am in town you could stay with me for at
least a few days.  I have a place on 97th Street between CPW and Columbus.
Let me know your timeframe.

Other nice things to do in NYC:

*	Brooklyn Museum of Art
*	The Cloisters
*	NY Botanical Gardens

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Flanagan [mailto:jamesf at ...]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 3:42 PM
To: HPFGU-NewYork at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [HPFGU-NewYork] Re: Hi Y'all - Thanks

Thanks for all the ideas. I'll ask my brother-in-law what he knows 
about Contact.  We usually sleep on his floor, though one time we 
stayed at the Y on 24th St(I think).  

I love DC too, so I'll keep the Uptown in mind. I saw a revival of 
2001 at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood years ago.  Also saw Barry 
Lyndon there (blechhh).  Everything appeared curved on the screen. 
I'm thinking that SS could be a very strange experience in such a 
warped space-time continuum, but it would surely be preferable the 
postage stamp screen at the local 30-plex, which currently charges 
$7.50 for an adult admission (in Raleigh, NC!).

Cafe Reggio sounds familiar.  I attended NYU in 1978-79, so if it was 
operating then, I probably ate there.

Thanks again for the suggestions,
Jim Flanagan

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