Upcoming Meet
Smilie117 <NYCPooh117@Smilie117.yahoo.invalid>
NYCPooh117 at Smilie117.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 25 07:22:01 UTC 2003
Combo reply! This is me up late - tis the college schedule it is -
can't sleep early - need to adjust soon probably :p
Yes, I still plan on coming - unless something comes up *knocks on
wood* but yay! No preference of food for me - am sure will find
something I'd eat wherever we may go ^_^
Abbie -- Am taking the Path train in from Hoboken to 33rd St - so
maybe? Will email you later at a more resonable time when my brain is
more coherrent ^_^
Judy -- oooo, Friday? *looks around* Eh, I don't know if I'm free or
not *last class ends around noonish for that day, maybe other things*
otherwise I'd take you up on browsing around NYC - haven't done that
in ages - LOL - not that I know my way around NYC that well anyway
even if I should since am a native :p :D Umm, maybe visit a museum?
*brain not functioning at this late hour so don't mind me*
Lastly, have uploaded two pics to the photos section - just because
the first one is a side view but better quality color taken by Lauren
and her digital camera *be sure to bring it, Lauren!* and the other
is so you at least you see part of the front of my face - don't mind
the stuffed animals ^_^
Looking forward to seeing you lot,
full name is Sabrina, will respond to either
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