[HPFGU-NewYork] Discussing Book 5

Lou Hunnebeck LHunneb at lhunneb.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jun 24 20:58:59 UTC 2003

If you've never done the Roosevelt Island thing, it's great.  You have to
get advance tickets (this can be done on line) and we can set a meeting spot
on the island.  It's best to pick up the tickets around 6pm, and then you
head down to the reserved spot at the end of Roosevelt Island.  It's in the
middle of the river and affords a great view of the fireworks.

Since the fireworks themselves don't start till about 9:30pm and it's light
until about 8:45, there'd be plenty of time to talk and light to reference
the book before the fireworks start.  To be sure that late comers can find
us, someone would bring a ballon of a particular color or something like
  -----Original Message-----
  From: hermonieswand at ... [mailto:hermonieswand at ...]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:58 PM
  To: HPFGU-NewYork at yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [HPFGU-NewYork] Discussing Book 5

  I think a HP get together to pick apart the book is a great idea... the
only problem with a firework show is there usually so crowded its hard to
find people.  And there in the dark, which makes consulting a book sorta
hard.  There's always flashlights tho.

  driver of the knight bus to hell

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