[HPFGU-NewYork] Discussing Book 5

Lou Hunnebeck LHunneb at lhunneb.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 25 18:35:25 UTC 2003

This message is going to everyone who responded to me about a potential get
together for NYC fans of Harry Potter to discuss the book.

Please select two dates and times from the ones below. Select one that is
your first choice and a second one that is possible, but not your most
desirable one.

Please respond no later than 2pm EST tomorrow (Thursday, 6/26)

Possible times to meet:

  Saturday, 6/28, 11am Meeting time

  Saturday, 6/28, 2pm Meeting time

  Saturday, 6/28, 6pm Meeting time

  Sunday, 6/29, 11am Meeting time

  Sunday, 6/29, 2pm Meeting time

  Sunday, 6/29, 6pm Meeting time

Look forward to seeing you.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: hermonieswand at ... [mailto:hermonieswand at ...]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:58 PM
  To: HPFGU-NewYork at yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [HPFGU-NewYork] Discussing Book 5

  I think a HP get together to pick apart the book is a great idea... the
only problem with a firework show is there usually so crowded its hard to
find people.  And there in the dark, which makes consulting a book sorta
hard.  There's always flashlights tho.

  driver of the knight bus to hell

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