[HPFGU-OTChatter] Birthdays and such...

Amanda Lewanski editor at texas.net
Thu May 24 01:05:13 UTC 2001

Jennifer Piersol wrote:

> Well, in any case, my little girl sang "hah burbay (next part in a big
> yell) TO MOMMY!" all day, which was a mood lifter.  Of course, selfish
> being that I am, half of those were prompted by none other than
> myself. ;)

Jen, sister, I feel for you. I reached my 35th birthday, which I sort of
considered a milestone, at the time when my third baby was all of a week
old. I'd been in the hospital for a few days (migraine) before they
induced me, so Jan had already been off work for several days before the
baby was born, so the day after I came home (which happened to be my
birthday) he went back to work. So there's me, 35, with a week-old baby,
and a 3 and a 4. Kasia sang me "Happy Birthday" because I asked her to.
And that was it.

I went out and got myself an enameled ladybug bracelet and earrings
later. Pooey on everyone else.

Happy Late Birthday!

--Amanda, been there, done that, not gettin' any younger
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