Fanfiction For Grownups-THE POINT

puddlemereunited at puddlemereunited at
Wed Nov 28 22:46:31 UTC 2001

Hello Everyone,

I never thought my original question would end up in such
But what can one do?  
For a moment let me go back to the question which started all of
as I think most of you are missing the point of what I was after.

I asked why there was not more Fanfiction about more mature themes. 
did not say that there was none, but that there was many fewer adult 
themes than adolescent ones. A good reason for this is probably 
because more teens write fanfiction than adults.  So I simply 
suggested that more Grownups write Grownup fanfiction.  I don't see 
what is controversial about that.

In later posts I indicated that Slash and Fluff Romance were not 
neccassarily the most mature themes.  I did not say "sex is bad", "no 
more naughtiness", or "put some clothes on".  I just said that these
the foundations of adolescent fanfiction, and were not what I was 
looking for.

I would like to see fanfiction that read like a real novel, that
with real themes, just like the ones dealt with in the HP books 
themselves.  In a multi-themed work, such as HP, one can focus on one 
theme, say Romance for example.  This will not produce a work with
same maturity of the GoF.  That is because JKR weaves all these
together to form a world that the reader can enter and enjoy, not
a vehicle to satisfy one particular appetite.

Anyway, I am a bit surprised that all the "grownups" who responded to 
me took my statement as a personal attack against their fanfiction.  
It is a mature trait not to take one's self seriously, something that 
has been sadly lacking here.  I was not referring to any author's 
work, so you do not need to feel attacked.  Though I suppose if you 
did feel that way, it was because you knew that you were contributing 
to the wealth of self-serving fanfiction that has become the norm.

Also, I have been personally attacked, along with my own fanfiction.  
This is made doubly absurd in that whenever I posted a response I was 
told either: "You suck, this is not an attack", or "Do not post
to other writers".  This I find to be most amusing.

Now, imagine my surprise ;) when I recieved a flame review of my 
fanfiction.  It accussed me of flaming someone's story on an EZBoard.
Obviously someone got their wires crossed somewhere, as I have never 
posted on an EZBoard, and have never reviewed or spoken directly 
about anyone's fic.  And as for language, this review was almost as 
offensive as the dialogue in my own fiction ;)

It seems that I have inadvertently upset the Hive.  Funny, but this 
all reminds me very much of secondary school.



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