A Series of Unfortunate Events

Tasha--Nethilia nethilia at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 18 03:58:33 UTC 2002

Replying to both Jen and Catherine: 

> Neth, I have a question about the "Series of
> Unfortunate Events" series.  My 
> son has read and re-read all the HP books, gone
> through the 'Redwall' series, 
> etc...and is desperately looking for another series
> to capture his attention. 
>  He's a very mature 11-year-old-....would you
> recommend the books for him?  
> (I have seen several articles on "Mr. Snickett"
> lately)...Thanks!  Jen

Yes, I think that an 11 year old would greatly like
them. Might even expand their vocabulary. 

> I read them a while ago and got really bored with
> them.  For me they 
> are definitely "Children's books" which should be
> read by children, 
> rather than the kind which adults enjoy as well.  It
> wasn't the plots 
> so much, which I found gratifyingly tragic and
> ghoulish, as you say - 
> it was the endless vocabulary building sentences -
> ie. using a word 
> and then saying "Which here means..."  over and over
> again.

> Catherine

Hmm...in my opinion, I didn't mind that, because the
writer is trying to make fun of thos old books long
ago  that defined every third word in the book and
forced you to learn some dull moral at the end. Yes, I
class them as definite children's books--but then
again, I read more children's books in one year than
"adult books". Possibly because I plan to write them.
The last real "adult" book I read was _The Golden
Compass_; most adult books bore me unless they're
Sci-fi or fantasy. Reality books make me go "yuck".


--Nethilia de Lobo--
79% obsessed with Harry Potter
Wand: Dragon Heartstring, Ash, 7 inches
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