Occult/mystical ranting, inspired by main list
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)
catlady at wicca.net
Sun Apr 27 00:42:59 UTC 2003
In http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/message/55793
Hans Ibot Bracchae-Breves wrote about the mystical sympbolism in the
Harry Potter series.
Hans, I was interested in your explanation of the Seven books as
depicting Seven liberations necessary to (to what? escape from the
Wheel of Rebirth? go to a pleasant heaven beyond the stars for an
eternal afterlife after death?), because Seven is a big-time
traditional magic number. It correlates with the Seven visible
planets (which includes Sun and Moon but not Earth) which named our
Seven days of the week, and with the Seven major chakras.
One use of Seven as a magic number is the claim that 21 is the age
of adulthood because it is 3 times 7, representing having passed
through 7 years of infancy, 7 years of childhood, and 7 years of
adolescence. That actually would fit my experience of human beings
better if it were 18 as 3 times 6, but Six is not a magic number.
(They utter some nonsense about 7 years being the time for every cell
in the body to be replaced; don't they know that brain cells are
NEVER replaced?)
There were Seven initiations in the Mithraic Mysteries, which are
known to have correlated with the planets, altho' I don't really
understand how they correlate. They are: Raven, Bridegroom or
Cryphius (hidden), Soldier, Lion, Perseus, Sun, Heliodromos (runner
/courier of the Sun), and Father. I'd like to mutter incoherently
about whether they match up with your Seven liberations -- the degree
would represent Harry AFTER the liberation.
Raven -- has passed from the sphere controlled by the Moon and is now
under the power of Mercury, winged traveller, sexy trickster, and
clever thief. The sphere under the Moon is the earthly, worldly,
material realm, so that matches with your:
<< In the first book Harry can gain access to the Stone only if
he doesn't want to use it. He does not want earthly wealth and
longevity. He has been liberated from the desire to live on the
physical plane.>>
Bridegroom -- has passed from the sphere controlled by Mercury and is
now under the power of Venus, goddess of love and (to Romans)
motherhood. (I don't know what the other name, Cryphius, has to do
with Venus, but I saw one guy claim that it was a misspelling of
Gryphon. I dunno what Gryphons have to do with Venus, but I mention
it because of Gryffindor.) Passing from the sphere controlled by
Mercury goes well with defeating an enemy made of words and memories,
but not so well with your:
<< In the second book Harry liberates an elf. Elves, goblins,
gnomes, fire-salamanders etc. are etheric creatures. Harry achieves
liberation on the etheric plane (the plane of life force). >>
Btw, to me Dobby seems no more etheric than the gnomes, who giggle,
eat the roots of garden plants, and bite with their sharp teeth when
thrown into neighboring gardens. All I know about Potterverse
salamanders is that the Terrible Twins fed firecrackers to one.
<< In the third book Harry learns to conquer fear. This is liberation
on the astral (emotional) plane. >>
Soldier -- has passed from the sphere of Venus and is now under the
power of -- not the Earth, I think it's supposed to be the Sun,
because of geocentric system irror-images the heliocentric system,
but the name Soldier sounds more like Mars. And the name Soldier and
the planet Mars go well with your 'conquering fear' idea. OTOH,
*each* book in the series COULD be described that way: only PoA has
Dementors, but each book has fear.
I wonder if I can say that Harry spends PoA under the power of Venus
because he spends it under the power of old past relationships, James
and Sirius, Sirius and Remus, Sirius and Peter, James and Peter, the
secret Secret Keeper ... His escape from the power of Venus (not
so's one'd notice in GoF!) would be when he decided to spare Peter's
life (freedom from vengefulness/anger?) and to save Sirius's and
Buckbeak's lives. That sounds more solar than martial, but ...
<< In the fourth book Harry develops his will to such an extent that
he can actually drive back the curse coming out of Lucifer's
(Voldemort) wand by pitting his will-power against Lucifer's. The
eternal soul has achieved liberation on the mental plane. >>
Lion has passed from the previous sphere and is now under the power
of --- the other one, Sun or Mars. I think Mars is the right place in
the sequence, but the name Lion seems to me to go better with the
planet Sun. But the name Lion and planet Sun go better with your idea
of strength of will. OTOH is competing in the Triwizard Tournament
being under the power of Mars? We need to see OotP to see if Harry
is more solar or martial when being a Lion (symbol of Gryffindor
<< Awaiting Harry in the next three books are liberation of the
consciousness in its three aspects: the mental ego, the emotional ego
and the consciousness ego. >>
Do the remaining three liberations match up with the remaining three
Persian -- has passed from the previous sphere and is now under the
power of Jupiter, the good and powerful ruler. Initiates of this
degree dressed in Persian-style clothing, supposedly to represent
the people who had brought knowledge of Mithras to the West, but
David Uansey's astronomical interpretation of Mithraism makes them
represent the constellation Perseus (the hero who killed Medusa --
it occurs to me that Medusa and her snake-hair was similar to TMR and
his basilisk: both petrified people), which represented Mithras
Heliodromos -- has passed from the sphere of Jupiter and is now under
the power of Saturn. Calling Saturn a runner strikes me as some kind
of sick joke, but Saturn IS the messenger who warns of the inevitable
passage of time (the BBC just mentioned the SEVENTEENTH anniversary
of the Chernobyl disaster, which I remember better than I remember
yesterday), the arrivals of middle age and old age, and the certainty
of death.
Pater -- has passed from the sphere of Saturn and is now under only
the fixed stars, who dot the inner surface of that shell which edges
the sphere that encloses the heavens/universe. He doesn't have to
travel very far when he dies, to be beyond the stars.
Another instance of the number Seven is in the Descent of Inanna.
When she goes to the Land of Death, she passes through seven gates,
at each of which she must pay a toll. Some people claim that these
seven gates match the seven major chakras, but I don't see it myself.
I will first quote the bit where she dresses to go there, from Diane
Wolkstein's performance based on Samuel Noah Kramer's translation,
just because I like it, and then I will quote several translations
of the gates, starting with a different Wolkstein/Kramer.
>From the Great Above Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below
She abandoned her seven holy temples to descend to the underworld
She gathered together the seven Holy Measures, She took them into her
With the Holy Measures in her possession, She prepared herself
She placed the crown on her head
She arranged the dark locks of hair across her forehead
She tied beads around her neck
Let the double strand of beads fall to her breast
And wrapped the royal robe round her body
She daubed her eyes with ointment called 'let him come, let him come!'
Bound the breastplate called 'come, man,come!' around her chest
Slipped the gold ring over her wrist
And took the lapis measuring rod and line in her hand.
When she entered the first gate, From her head, the shugurra, the
crown of the steppe, was removed. Inanna asked: 'What is this?' She
was told: 'Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect.
They may not be questioned.'
When she entered the second gate, From her neck the small lapis beads
were removed....
When she entered the third gate, From her breast the double strand of
beads was removed....
When she entered the fourth gate, From her chest the breast plate
called 'Let hime come, let him come!' was removed....
When she entered the fifth gate, From her wrist the gold ring was
When she entered the sixth gate, From her hand the lapis measuring
rod and line was removed. ...
When she entered the seventh gate, From her body the royal robe was
123-128Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld, paid attention to
the instructions of his mistress. He bolted the seven gates of the
underworld. Then he opened each of the doors of the palace Ganzer
separately. He said to holy Inana: "Come on, Inana, and enter."
129-133And when Inana entered, the turban, headgear for the open
country, was removed from her head. "What is this?" "Be satisfied,
Inana, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled. Inana,
you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld."
When she entered the second gate, the small lapis-lazuli beads were
removed from her neck....
When she entered the third gate, the twin egg-shaped beads were
removed from her breast....
When she entered the fourth gate, the "Come, man, come" pectoral was
removed from her breast....
hen she entered the fifth gate, the golden ring was removed from her
When she entered the sixth gate, the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and
measuring line were removed from her hand....
When she entered the seventh gate, the pala dress, the garment of
ladyship, was removed from her body....
>From Ancient Near Eastern Texts, translated by E.A. Speiser
When the first gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the great crown on her head.
"Why, o gatekeeper, didst thou take the great crown on my head?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the
When the second gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the pendants on her ears....
When the third gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the chains round her neck....
When the fourth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the ornaments on her breast....
When the fifth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the girdle of birthstones on her hips....
When the sixth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the clasps round her hands and feet....
When the seventh gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the breechcloth round her body....
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