Re Main list ideas/problems
annemehr at
Wed Aug 20 19:02:21 UTC 2003
Lita wrote:
> Shutting down the entire list would, IMO, send a strong message to
those who
> are breaking the rules. For one, it is the best way I can think of
to get
> everyone's attention, which, let's face it, is a difficult thing
to do with
> the current signal-to-noise ratio. :) A simple ADMIN message is
just not
> going to cut it on its own. But closing the list to posting will
> that breaking the rules won't be tolerated, which is, IMO, what
really needs
> to happen.
I agree with Lita. I have been following this thread with great
interest, and the more I think about it, closing the entire list for
a while may be a very good idea. I think (is this what you had in
mind?) that it should be "read-only" for everyone but the ADMIN team
during that time. This way, the Elves get a chance to confer and
decide what needs to be done, and there is the further (not to be
underestimated) benefit that everyone can take advantage of the time
to look through the existing messages. Meanwhile, it might be
useful to have some volunteers updating the FAQs or trolling
for "fantastic posts."
Meanwhile, the ADMIN team would update us with their own posts.
When the new FAQs and fantastic posts are done, they could upload
those also. I am also wondering if you would need to close the list
for more than a week, but offer updates at reasonable intervals, in
order to accomplish what needs to be done.
As for having a "read-only" term for newbies when the list is
reopened, I agree with this also. When I joined, I admit I did post
the same day ::blushes::, but this group was such a treasure that I
would gladly have spent a read-only time reviewing the messages,
FAQs, etc.
Something certainly needs to be done to restore the group to the
high standards it had before. The only people you are going to
anger in accomplishing this will be the people with lower
standards. This is not an "elitist attitude" (though you will be
accused of having one), it merely results from the fact that this is
HP for *grownups* and some people aren't going to like that. I
actually think that many of the rulebreakers have caught the
rulebreaking "bug" and may appreciate bringing the standard back up
as much as we would. I, for one, am completely behind your efforts,
and volunteer my services if I can be of any help.
Something that's just occurred to me is that maybe you cut the
HBFile a bit too much, so that it is not quite as useful for those
who want to post quality messages. It seemed fine to me when you
first posted the new version, but then I had been around for months
already. I think I will look at the two versions again, remembering
how it was to be a newbie, and see where I might have been confused
(as I tend to need things spelled out explicitly when I am learning
something new).
approaching my one-year anniversary on the main list, and not
wanting to lose it now
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