[HPFGU-OTChatter] Pep Rallys ?

Zorb zorb47 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 22:14:00 UTC 2003

They are very real - unfortunately, IMHO.  The degree
of enthusiasm varies from person to person, of course.
 You can probably tell I was one of the unenthusiastic

I don't know how it goes in other parts of the country
- I imagine Texas rallies would be pretty big - but in
my Southern California hometown, they started in
middle school, approximately ages 11-13, and consisted
mainly of the pep squad (we didn't have full
cheerleaders in that school, the squad was basically
student council members and other enthusiastic girls)
trying to get each grade to yell the loudest.

High school wasn't much different, just longer.  They
packed us into the gym and seated us by class in each
corner of the room.  The various cheerleading teams
and dance squads performed, and there was and ongoing
class competition that again was just, "How loud can
you scream your graduation year?" with a few games
thrown in.  My class was notoriously unspirited, and
we lost the competition every year except the last,
when we would have lost had it not been rigged to
favor the seniors.  We were rather proud of that

The worst part about pep rallies was that they were
mandatory.  Of course, that didn't stop people from
not being there, especially the first couple of years
when they held them right before an extended lunch
hour.  People with cars and off-campus lunch passes
often made early escapes.  Then the people in charge
wised up and made them first thing in the morning.

Zorb, three years out of high school and not missing
it at all

--- Pinguthegreek <pinguthegreek at pinguthegreek.net>
> Hi everyone....
> I'm just watching the start of Varsity Blues.  I
> just wondered, are pep rallies for real or do people
> really get enthusiatic ?
> What is the tradition of them and is there a set
> pattern of what happens at them ?
> Cross cultural exchange is a wonderful thing, isn't
> it ?
> Michelle
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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