Opinions and a "real" HP fan.

Jo crabtree at ktc.com
Thu Jul 24 07:54:00 UTC 2003

A "real" Harry Potter fan, upon seeing another fan's key chain, 
says, "Cool snitch!" rather than saying, "What a cute angel ball!"

A "real" Harry Potter fan has typed a list of the members of 
Dumbledore's Army on parchment, changing the font for each individual 
to match his/her personality.

A "real" Harry Potter fan has to examine the family's much read OotP 
books for the most damage to decide which book will be taken to 
school for students to read when school resumes in August.

A "real" Harry Potter fan makes a side trip to the fabric department 
during every shopping trip to see what is new in stars and moons.

A "real" Harry Potter fan attends funerals and wonders how many of 
these people see thestrals.

A "real" Harry Potter fan doesn't have to ask for posters from local 
stores because everyone in town presumes the posters will be his/hers 
when they are taken down.

A "real" Harry Potter fan types a list of what makes a "real" Harry 
Potter fan at 2:30 a.m. when the alarm clock is going to ring at 5:30 
a.m. for work.

Professor Phlash

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