[HPFGU-OTChatter] accents/dialects in other languages...

Przemyslaw Plaskowicki przepla at ipartner.com.pl
Sat Jul 26 23:49:48 UTC 2003

On 7/26/2003 4:25 PM, IAmLordCassandra at aol.com wrote:
> I have no idea how this question popped into my head.  However, I thought 
> some of you may be able to answer since you have copies of HP in other languages. 
> So, here goes... 
> How do they right out the accents/dialects in other languages? Or do they 
> only do that in the English version?   I'm not too familar with other languages 
> (aside from my two years of French and the Japanese I'm starting....and a bit 
> of Russian and Polish from my family, but I'm straying now....).  

I'll try cover Polish version. Since Polish practically does not have
any dialects that could be used as a substitution everybody in the book 
are using standard Polish -- even Hagrid. Notable exception to this are 
foreigners who in the Polish translation speak Polish as would speak any 
foreigner, and to create that is quite easy (see:
http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_language: "Polish is often said to 
be one of the most difficult languages for non-native speakers to learn.")

Hope that helps,

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