[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Popular and Unpopular Names
Melanie Black
princessmelabela at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 31 03:54:43 UTC 2003
Lisa wrote:
People mispronounce it? Really? Where are you located,
if you don't mind me
asking? I've always thought of "Melanie" as an
incredibly common name--we
had at least five or six Melanies at my small
(probably ~150 students) high
school in New Mexico. We even had two Melanies with
the same last name.
My reply: That is interesting. I'm in Ohio. So it
could be a location thing but I know it's not too
common because it's always listed on those Popular
name lists..and it's always like 150 so...I don't
know. LOL
Although, I will say that I like the way Antonio
Bandaras says my name...lol...when he talks about his
wife. So um maybe that's why it's popular in hispanic
areas it sounds cute.
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