[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Popular and Unpopular Names
lita at sailordom.com
Thu Jul 31 04:23:35 UTC 2003
On 7/30/03 9:54 PM, "Melanie Black" <princessmelabela at yahoo.com> wrote:
> My reply: That is interesting. I'm in Ohio. So it
> could be a location thing but I know it's not too
> common because it's always listed on those Popular
> name lists..and it's always like 150 so...I don't
> know. LOL
LOL, and here I always thought it was really common. It *must* be a location
thing. :)
> Although, I will say that I like the way Antonio
> Bandaras says my name...lol...when he talks about his
> wife. So um maybe that's why it's popular in hispanic
> areas it sounds cute.
That could be true, although I only knew one Hispanic Melanie. :) (My high
school was a boarding school with mostly Native Americans--my name *is*
technically Spanish, but my family isn't. Well, I'm half-Hispanic, from my
father, which is why one half of my maiden last name was Spanish.) But
Melanies (and Shannons and Amys) were *very* popular for people my age. And
somewhat obscure names for boys (things like Harrison, Clinton, and Arlen).
But according to my local paper a couple weeks back, the most common baby
names in my state are from the Bible or from Catholic saints (Joshua, etc.)
Which does make sense, as I know a lot of people now named things like
Joseph, Katherine, and Teresa.
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