Slut!Seamus and other ships
jeffl1965 at
Tue Nov 11 01:51:34 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at, "Morgan D."
<morgan_d_yyh at y...> wrote:
> > Jeff:
> >
> > Now, you did clear up some things for me, and gave a view that
> > while I see your point, doesn't make it sound fair to me. :) Poor
> > Seamus!!! Being made to wanna shag anything that breathes all the
> > time is just terrible. I knew some randy lads before, but none
> > ever that bad. :)
> ^__^ Is it still unfair if the author claims he was having the time
> his life?
No, that would be ok. :) I'd just be concerned about him wearing
his willy out. :) Having a sore one isn't very fun. :P
> Actually, this brushes another very complicated issue: the
> between the many fanfiction authors' backgrounds and moral codes. We
> come all from different places, believe in different stuff, live
> different life styles... and basically, each one will be squicked
> different things too.
I agree with that. I have no problem with that at all, I just
meant that I think it's unfair for poor Seamus to be the randy
one. :) Or should I say, the almost demonically possessed randy
boy. ;)
> There are authors who think of promiscuity as THE horrible thing, a
> sign of a shallow personality, a sinful soul, a dreadful character.
> others, promiscuity is a positive trait, a quality of those who are
> true to their nature and do not conform to arbitrary systems of
> behaviour. And between the two opposite perspectives, a million
> of grey.
Interesting theory. I agree with that. In our culture being a slut
is a double-edged sword. Males who are like that are considered to be
sowing their wild oats, whereas a female is looked down upon. But not
all males are applauded for being so. *I* was raised to understand
that it's ok to have a series of lovers, but you should be true to
each one, and you shouldn't date for a few weeks, then make love and
then break up shortly thereafter, which some males think is the thing
to do. I prefer not to make love to anybody that I don't feel some
attraction to, and if I don't think we could be together and not kill
each other, then I won't even consider sex at all. :)
> So you might see Slut!Seamus in two fics and notice that one will
> him like a worthless creature, and the other like a sensual hero. I
> haven't read many Slut!Seamus fics, but I've seen that phenomenon in
> other fandoms.
Actually, the few I've really been able to read, he's not that
bad. I know that one or two, he's actually a bit funny, if not OOC
somewhat. Even then, he's only in a short scene or two. It's usually
the passing references that I've seen where they try to make Seamus
sound slutty in a negative way, like he's not in love with the
person, but only wanting to make a deposit, to put it mildly. Usually
if he's in a few scenes and paired with Dean, he's handled nicely,
and not really slutty.
I know what you mean about other fandoms. I've read or tried to
read some stories that were just so badly done, that I had to give
them up, and have even avoided some pairs just because those stories
left a bad aftertaste.
> Stepping away from HP for a moment... For an anime fandom, I write
> stories about characters that are not human, but demons from a
> different world. I chose to write them as polygamous in my stories.
> When the anime started being aired in USA, I started receiving
> from American fans complaining that I had "turned them into whores".
> Apparently, polygamy, even if generated from honest (if not
> love, is unbearably squicking for certain segments of USA society,
> if we're talking about fictional, non-human characters from a
> story, as written by a Brazilian ficwriter.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think in some cases some fans see
the character as being exclusive to one person, male or female, and
even in the cases of younger males, they won't even engage in mutual
masturbation sessions with best friends since they're dating
somebody, even if some males really will participate in such things.
That's one thing that I have no problem with in relation to the HP
characters. We have 5 normal boys sharing a dorm for 7 years. Even if
they're exclusive to somebody, I would think that they would still
engage in some form of masturbation in the dorm, either solo or with
each other for a contest or just for fun. Sounds fairly normal to
me. ;) Also, from what I've read or seen in Latino created literature
and movies, that's a common actiivity for the males, and not
considered a taboo act. In the states, while it happens, it's much
more secretive and not openly discussed much due to some males
feeling threatened by it for some reason.
> I am unlikely to ever write Slut!Seamus, but if I were to, no one
> should expect an anti-promiscuity, pro-sexual-faithfulness discourse
> from me. ^__^
LOL!! Well,if you did, I'd read it. :) If Seamus is dating Dean,
but still wants to *play* with Neville or one of the Crevvy brothers,
I wouldn't have any problem with that, as long as Dean doesn't. :)
> > I can agree that poor Neville wouldn't be right for it, since
> > think he'd be too embarrased to even get naked in front of
> > boy or girl, and would most likely faint at the sight of another
> > naked body anyway. ;) That's another reason why I think that
> > should have tubs, that way he won't fall and hit his head on the
> > tile floor the first time he sees one of the older lads naked. :)
> I remember someone telling me (about a decade ago, jeez...) that
> the very rich houses in England had showers. Not that Hogwarts would
> have to follow the Muggle England pattern, but... *shrugs* I tend to
> think of any communal bathroom as having showers, unless we're
> about anime/manga. ^__^
> Then again, tubs are very dangerous for the accident-prone fellows
LOL!! I agree. I do picture showers as well, but from what little
I've seen of some UK/European boarding schools, they have tubs in
many cases, so I think of Hogwarts that way.
I agree that a tub would be dangerous for Neville, but I guess if
Seamus went with him, or they suggested that he get into one with him
and Dean, that he'd be fairly safe, well, at least from hitting his
head anyway. Dunno about how safe from Seamus' wandering hands. :)
> > Anyway, I am curious as to what other thoughts you have or what
> > ships you like. I don't expect to be converted, but I am eager to
> > hear what others have to say about it.
> For HP, I write mostly gen fics, but I do read slash. I've never
> thought much of it before, but I think my tendency is to pair up
> who are close friends in canon. In my experience, there's always
> degree of sensuality in a friendship, even if the people involved
> act on it, or even if they're not very aware of it either.
> can be a great tool to ask, "what if they *were* aware and *did*
act on
> it?"
I agree. I mean, sometimes it's very obvious, even if the two
aren't or in some cases, one of them might not be aware of it. ;) I
think of this being the case with Harry. :) Ron might like guys
smaller than him ( in more than one context) and rather like the idea
of his best friend being his playmate during these experimenting
years, even if one or both is actually heterosexual.
> When I first read PoA, when I got to the part in which Remus hugs
> Sirius in the Shrieking Shack, I had a half-smile on my face. You
> say that scene made my slash-radar beep. ^_~ So Sirius/Remus is the
> slash pairing I read more about. At the Marauders' teen years, I
> see potential in Sirius/James and James/Peter. (In fact, I'd say the
> latter is pretty much canonical, if platonic. But that's me.) I have
> less interest in Harry's generation, but my choice would be
I agree. S/R is fine with me. I've not read that much, but I can
see it. The Marauders' sounds fine. I can see either pairing, or even
both. I would imagine with Peter being left out, that he'd want to
get involved with James, even if he has to share. :) R/H is the
obvious choice, along with D/S. I just feel sorry for Neville,
because he's more or less left out unless he goes for Percy or Colin
Creevy or Justin.
> I also read Sirius/Harry. But that has another explanation. The
> relationship between Sirius and Harry (as parent/child) is the bit
> interests me the most in the HP fandom, it's what dragged me deep
> the fandom in the first place. But finding good gen stories about
> relationship hasn't been easy -- and after OotP, it tends to become
> even more complicated. So the slash Sirius/Harry stuff -- not the
> smut material, but the stories that truly work on their
> and relationship -- are a good consolation. (Beggars can't be
> anyway.)
Interesting. I've not read many S/H, but I can see it. Harry's so
starved for any kind of attention, and especially some adult, that
it's easy to see such a thing happening. If you also accept that
Sirius was James' playmate at one time, and with his obsession with
Harry being like James, it's not that difficult to see him switching
that kind of attention to Harry.
> > My thanks for replying and my apologies for having somehow
> > this post in the first place!! :)
> I was glad you replied, no matter how long it took. I don't often
> replies in the HPfGU groups.
Well, again my sincerist apologies for not seeing this before. I
blame Yahoo. :) I also thank you again for your reply and would
gladly enjoy any more thoughts or any stories you might want to do,
tu sabes? :)
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