[HPFGU-OTChatter] Meeting Up

Tammy Rizzo tammy at mauswerks.net
Sun Oct 5 06:20:27 UTC 2003

On 4 Oct 2003 at 13:22, linlou43 wrote:

>  OK. New topic. For those who have significiant others, how did 
> you meet them?

Oooh, okay, this is a good story -- we love to share it.  :)

I met my hubby at church.  We were in the same sunday school class, and the teacher had 
asked for someone to read a scripture.  I was sitting behind and to the side of this fairly new 
guy, so I had a real good view as he flipped through his scriptures and removed a couple of 
bills.  Money.  Tens and twenties, actually.  The teacher asked him what they were doing in 
his scriptures, and he said that it was something his dad had taught him -- compared to the 
value of the scriptures, money is pretty worthless.  The teacher was impressed, the class was 
impressed, and I was impressed.  I've always lived to amuse and entertain, so I put on my 
'class wit' hat, and tapped the fairly new guy on the shoulder, and asked if he had any 
bookmarks I could use.  The teacher and class got a chuckle out of it, and *I* thought it was 
pretty funny, too, but the guy, when he turned to answer me, went all pale and looked scared, 
like he'd seen a ghost.  He didn't say anything, and I just shrugged it off.  Not everyone shares 
my sense of humor, after all.

Well, after church, I went to my car to go home, but the thing wouldn't start.  It had been 
having troubles starting for several weeks, now, and I had gotten to the point of carrying the 
jumper cables on the passenger seat rather than in the trunk.  Now, it was never a problem 
getting a jumpstart from folks at church, except for the whole "I'll be right there as soon as I do 
this" thing that takes forever and makes everyone late for their own lunch, so I went back into 
the building, wondering who I would ask THIS week for a jumpstart.  A voice in my head said, 
"Ask the guy with the bookmarks if he knows anything about cars."  I mean it, it was a real 
voice in my head.  Well, when a voice in your head tells you something at church, I mean, 
really, you listen, right?  So, I went to find 'the guy with the bookmarks'.  Turns out, he'd been 
working with cars since he was five years old.  Had a picture of himself about five or six, 
wearing a little jumpsuit with his name, 'Skip', embroidered on the patch, sitting in the engine 
compartment of a customer's car, checking the oil.  Real cute picture.  :)

So, he jumpstarts my car, follows me home, goes to his place and gets his battery charger, 
comes back to my place, puts my battery on charge, and we talk for hours and hours and 
hours.  Then he puts my battery back in my car, and gives me his phone number, so I can call 
him the next time the car doesn't start.  He leaves around 10:30 or so that night.  I get to work 
the next morning, but when it's time to go home again that evening, the car won't start.  I get a 
jumpstart from a friend at work, and get home, then I call this guy up.  He comes over with his 
battery charger, and does my battery again.  We talk for hours and hours, and he leaves 
around 10:30 again that night.  The next morning, he shows up at my door to take me to work, 
and picks me up that evening.  After about a week of this, he takes me to the auto parts store, 
and buys me, for my birthday, a brand new battery, regulator, and alternator for my car, and 
promises to put them in first chance he gets.

Two weeks later, we're engaged, and he FINALLY gets around to fixing my car.  THEN, he tells 
me why he went all white and scared-looking when I asked him about bookmarks.  Seems 
that, before he even moved into town, he'd dreamed of me, so when he actually SAW me in 
sunday school that day, he knew he was 'doomed', and that his wife-to-be had caught up with 
him.  We were married five weeks later, and people asked us what took us so long.

Sometimes, it takes a while to discover, and sometimes, you just 'know', but SOMETIMES, 
you're downright TOLD right from the start!  :)

tammy at mauswerks.net

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