Let's *Really* Talk About Sports Was: Oh, That Rush!
msbeadsley at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 6 04:53:49 UTC 2003
> I thoroughly appreciate your "modest proposal", Sandy. Cities
> could form teams of the poor and the illiterate-- not necessarily
> the same positions on the team-- and compete with one another in
> how well they accomplish your redirected goals. At the end of each
> season there could be a televised program with a reading
> comprehension test, a fashion show and a bake sale to see who wins
> the championship.
> Question: Is there a penalty for wearing your cap backwards?
Have to feed up the starving a bit before putting them in the game,
though; otherwise they'd be soaking the footballs (pigskin, you know)
tender enough to chew, and eating them. Baseballs, too. And need to
clothe and house them, particularly in colder months, or they'd have
bat and base bonfires.
Televised? Televised! You know, I believe you're a genius! I shall
fire off letters to both Simons (Cowell/Survivor) and
(Fuller/American Idol) right now! Talk about a REALITY show! Oh, and
we'll ask Rush to commentate. That should cover ALL the bases.
I think it needs to be mixed teams, though; can't have cities
competing for the biggest and best indigent populations. And of
course there is no penalty for wearing your cap backwards--if you've
quite naturally turned your head 'round under it first.
Sandy, who is quite flattered that you think hers "a modest proposal"
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