Let's *Really* Talk About Sports Was: Oh, That Rush!
charisjulia at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 6 21:00:35 UTC 2003
Sandy wrote:
> I can't prevent myself asking: were you complaining, or
> <G + ducking>
<g> Both actually. Their more, err, spirited mode of expression can
wear on the nerves after a while, but they really are good sorts in
their own way. Deep down. Somewhere. I suppose. <g>
Nah seriously, they're a pretty cool gang once you get to know them.
And as a matter of fact, that groupâs taught me a number of useful
stuff, such as that it's ok to disagree with people. And that very
few things are worth really get worked up about, but enthusiasm still
makes things interesting. And that when it comes right down to it,
ah, just cool it, man. Like, no worries, ya know? I can't think of
any serious disagreement (even the ones containing those quotes) that
ended in tears rather than giggles. In fact, the giggles are always
> Yeah, but the attempt to quash the thread was coming from a list
> who, I'm guessing, has had to break up some of the riots she's seen
> start out from what seemed to her to be similar beginnings. When's
> the last time you had to get out there with the riled masses and
> knock heads together?
>Isn't the whole HPFGU family just the most amazing creation? A
>community held together with nothing but common interests and
>volunteer labor.
Amanda made it clear that she was speaking in her personal capacity.
If she had indeed been representing MEG, I certainly would not have
had any objections to complying with her rules. I really do
appreciate the time and energy the Admin team put into keeping this
group going, and naturally I couldn't agree more with you, Sandy:
HPFGU rocks! :-)
Charis Julia
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