[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Combining Brit Royalty and Wizards...?

Shaun Hately drednort at alphalink.com.au
Fri Oct 31 08:40:38 UTC 2003

On 31 Oct 2003 at 7:10, o_caipora wrote:

> "Steve" <bboy_mn at y...> wrote:
> > Perhap, restate one more time; are the reigning monarch and spouse
> > automatically King AND Queen, or does the title only reside with the
> > one who is reigning at the time?
> > 
> > If Hermione married Prince William (they are about the same age) and
> > Prince William became King, would that automatically make Hermione
> > Queen, or would she only hold the title Queen if William died and
> > Hermione took over.
> The kingship descends through blood. Mary married King (George? 
> Edward?). Had Elizabeth. King died. Elizabeth became Queen; Mary 
> became "Queen Mother". She's the one who kicked the bucket a year or 
> so ago.

Not so.

The current Queen's mother was also named Elizabeth. She died last year - she 
was Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, widow of King George VI. The current 
Queen's grandmother was Mary - Queen Mary, the Dowager Queen Mother 
(widow of King George V). She actually preferred to simply be Queen Mary - 
didn't like the Dowager term, and her preference was accepted.

Queen Mother is reserved for situations where the Dowager of a King is also the 
mother of the current Monarch (that will generally be the case - but it is possible a 
situation will arise where a Queen Consort is not the mother of the next Monarch 
and nobody seems sure what their title would be in that case - most like the title 
would be Dowager Queen)
> Outside of royalty, mother becomes "dowager".  A "Dowager Duchess" is 
> the widow of a Duke. Her son became Duke and his wife Duchess. 
> It's kind of like "emeritus" in academia.
> In many of those old, grand English country houses there's a smaller 
> (but still very nice) house called the "Dower House"; it's where the 
> old Lady moves when the old Lord kicks off, to let her live out her 
> remaining years in dignity and incidentally keep her out of the new 
> Lady's hair.
> So Hermione would never "take over". Her son would become King. Iif 
> you read too much fanfic, he might become Queen.
> Phillip is "Prince" rather than "King" because that's the custom; 
> he's a consort, not a monarch. There's a title, Princess Royal, for a 
> sibling of the monarch, which the monarch can bestow or not as she 
> pleases. Liz hasn't given it to her sister.

Queen Elizabeth II's sister is now deceased - she died early last year. Her 
daughter Anne, holds the title, Princess Royal.

Phillip, BTW, is a Prince in his own right (Prince Phillipos of Greece and 
Denmark), as well as Prince Consort to Her Majesty, the Queen, and Duke of 

Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ)       | drednort at alphalink.com.au | ICQ: 6898200 
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the 
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be 
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that 
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia

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