[HPFGU-OTChatter] Possible Theory on the Release of Book 6

kemper mentor kempermentor at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 18 05:12:39 UTC 2004

I think that's a wonderful theory and that it's correct, but for different reasons.  Publishing houses and movie studios are essentially Slytherins, not that they're evil, but that they are interested in monetary gains.  Money is power.  
Most businesses run on a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year.  July 2004 will see the movie HP-PoA, July 2003 saw the book HP-OoP, November 2002 saw the movie HP-CoS, November 2001 saw the movie HP-SS(PS for you Brits), July 2000 saw the book HP-GoF, October 1999 saw the book HP-PoA: this is when HP started to become a phenomenon (and a finacial windfall to the Slytherins mentioned above).  
So I see book 6, Harry Potter and the Something or Other, coming out after June 30, 2005.  Most likely in July of that fiscal year.  This then means that the movie HP-GoB will probably have a July 2006 release date.

Amber <ambiree at bradley.edu> wrote:
Okay, call me an idiot...(actually don't, I'll cry)...but I have this 
strange theory about when book 6 will be released.  Those I've told 
around me think it's brilliant, but I will sacrifice it on the alter 
the members of this group to see if my theory holds...okay?  Be kind 
if you don't agree...

I kinda made this up with the realization that OoP is releasing in 
paperback in August.

July 2000--Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is released!  Yeah, 
the Potter fans go crazy.

Sept 2002--After 27 months, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 
releases to paperback.  Among the rumors were that the book was too 
long to release in paperback form...but then look at many other books 
that release in paperback that long (Clancy, WEB Griffin, Tolkien, 
and some other SF/F authors come to mind).

Jan 2003--The long-awaited announcement comes...Harry Potter and the 
Order of the Phoenix has a release date.

Jun 2003--HP & OoP released...hoards of ravenous HP fans gobble down 
millions of copies and beg for more.

Jul/Aug 2004--the anticipated release of OoP in paperback, although 
in Britian, it will be released 1 month earlier.

Okay so what right?  Except, why did it take half the time for OoP (a 
longer book) to release to paperback?  The mad fans (that's us) all 
bought copies the first day/night.  Why rush printing?  

I believed that around December 2004 we will have an answer to our 
most wanted question --When is book 6 coming out?--

>From the Letter Box Project, JKR has said that the writing for book 6 
is "flowing like a mountain stream."  Given the 5-6 month proofing 
and printing period for the millions of copies needed, I'd say we are 
looking at a Summer 2005 release!  This is just theory and 
speculation.  It is not meant to deceive or anything...

What do you think?



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