
PenapartElf at aol.com PenapartElf at aol.com
Thu Aug 25 03:42:22 UTC 2005

Dearest Sirs and Misses, 
Please join your friendly neighborhood List Elves in raising 
a tankard of butterbeer for a toast in honor of the fifth 
anniversary of the HPforGrownups Yahoo list, which was opened 
for business five years ago:
"HERE'S to FIVE more YEARS!"
Grab the libation of your choice [butterbeer, chilled or hot 
and foamy; pumpkin juice; hot chocolate; tea (jasmine, oolong, 
white, chai, and even iced but no tea bags, thankyouverymuch); 
gillywater; cherry syrup and soda, on rocks; elderflower wine; 
nettle wine; elf-made wine; Madame Rosmerta's oak-matured mead, 
mulled; sherry; red currant rum; whisky (single malt and Ogden's 
Old Firewhisky); Mrs. Ogden's SureFire Hangover Tonic...] and 
join in the fun - fill out the Mixer below!
Say, if you whip up your own concoction at the self-service 
bar, do tell us the name and the recipe.  Is that Felix Felicis 
in your flask?  Why yes, a drop in my goblet would be just the 
thing, thank you...
:) The List Elves <hiccup!> aka The HPfGU List Admin Team
* Name(s).
* Provide the etymology of your signature/handle/moniker/email 
address. In other words, how and why did you choose the name 
you use on the HPfGU lists.
* Whose signature/handle/moniker/email address at HPfGU 
(a)  do you wish you had come up with first?
(b)  intrigues you?
* If you lived in the Potterverse, who would you be, and what 
would you do for a living?
* What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
* What shape would a boggart take, if you chance upon one?
* What happy memory will you rely upon, if you are to conjure 
up a Patronus?
* What form might your Patronus take?
* What might your animagus form be?
* What gifts would you register for in Diagon Alley?  Or would 
it be Knockturn Alley?  How about at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?
* Times being what they are...what is your favorite flavor of 
jam?  What is your dearest ambition?
* Which of the HP books is your favorite?
* Who is your favorite character?
* What do you hope will happen in Book 7?
* What do you think will happen in Book 7?
* Given all the books whose titles are canon (see 
http://www.hp-lexicon.org/wizworld/books.html ) which would you 
read cover to cover *first*?
* What's in your Scrapbook for JKRowling.com ?
( http://www.hp-lexicon.org/about/sources/jkr.com/jkr-com-scrapbook.html )
* What's your personal best for Expert Level Minesweeper?
* When did you join HPfGU?  How did you find us?
* Point us to your delurking post...how was that maiden voyage?
* Point us to your favorite posts, your own or otherwise.
* Point us to, in hindsight, what you now wish you'd never said 
[ex.: ships sunken by new can(n)on, being flagged by LOONs...]
* Have you been around since August 2000?  What were the hot 
topics for you personally five years ago, post-GoF?
* What things about you often come as a surprise to others?
* Things you do when not staring at the computer:
** Got a question of your own?  Ask it here.
More HP fun (share your results please!):
* Ever wonder into which Hogwarts House the Sorting Hat would 
put you? If you're not sure, get sorted at
Professor MacFusty's Sorting Hat: http://tinyurl.com/sqz2
http://quizilla.com/users/HebrideanBlack/quizzes/Professor%20MacFusty%27s%20Hogwarts%20Sorting%20Hat )
* Is your interest in Harry Potter just good, harmless fun...or
are you bordering on obsessive? Find out here:
The HP Obsession Test: http://www.fuuko.com/hpquiz.html
* Speaking of your interest in Harry Potter, you can share all 
the details by posting your own Harry Potter Geek Code. If you 
haven't created one, this site will walk you through it:
Harry Potter Geek Test: http://tinyurl.com/dhmnv
http://web.archive.org/web/20020610101559/http://writersu.s5.com/extra/geek01.html )
* Passionate about HPfGU's myriad of theories? Pick up some 
acronyms to decorate your signature with at
Inish Alley (then click on "Printable Report"):
Hypothetic Alley:
* How nimble are your fingers?
* Finally, just how well do you know the canon? Take the quizzes, 
play the puzzles and games.  So, are you savvy or sorry?
Scholastic's Harry Potter Wizard Challenge:
** Know of other HP links like these?  Share!  Share!
P.S. The last Mixer started with 

More information about the HPFGU-OTChatter archive