ameliagoldfeesh at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 25 18:16:03 UTC 2005
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com, PenapartElf at a... wrote:
> Dearest Sirs and Misses,
<SNIP> fill out the Mixer below!
> * Name(s).
Amelia Goldfeesh
> * Provide the etymology of your signature/handle/moniker/email
> address. In other words, how and why did you choose the name
> you use on the HPfGU lists.
Well I thought that Amelia sounded a bit more exotic *L* that
Amy and Goldfeesh is for haveing four huge pet goldfish that were
sold as feeders. "Feesh" is because that is how my family is SW
Iowa pronounces fish most of the time.
If I could change things I would have my email be AGoldfeesh instead
as it is shorter to type...
> * Whose signature/handle/moniker/email address at HPfGU
> (a) do you wish you had come up with first?
There are so many good ones I don't know if I could choose. I
always liked Amanda's use of quotes as her sig.
> (b) intrigues you?
> * If you lived in the Potterverse, who would you be, and what
> would you do for a living?
A librarian or Arthur's job sounds fun, finding the bewitched
muggle items. (Though it probably isn't as exciting as Friday the
13th: The Series portrayed.)
> * What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
Myself, surrounded with my family and friends.
> * What shape would a boggart take, if you chance upon one?
Probably a dead loved one.
> * What happy memory will you rely upon, if you are to conjure
> up a Patronus?
Being with my husband and family.
> * What form might your Patronus take?
A large rat. I would not want to take on an angry or
protective rat.
> * What might your animagus form be?
I'd be happy as a sparrow.
> * What gifts would you register for in Diagon Alley? Or would
> it be Knockturn Alley? How about at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?
Certainly a wand, a model of the solar system, and many more.
> * Times being what they are...what is your favorite flavor of
> jam? What is your dearest ambition?
Strawberry jam. Ambition- perhaps getting a library
degree, if I can convince myself I want to get back to school.
> * Which of the HP books is your favorite?
Either POA or HBP.
> * Who is your favorite character?
Snape- I finally figured that out after joining HPFGU and
reading GOF.
> * What do you hope will happen in Book 7?
That JKR will be able to fit everything needed into it- I
don't know how she will be able to do it.
> * What do you think will happen in Book 7?
Voldemort will be defeated. :)
> * Given all the books whose titles are canon (see
> http://www.hp-lexicon.org/wizworld/books.html ) which would you
> read cover to cover *first*?
Powers You Never Knew You Had and What To Do With Them Now
You've Wised Up
> * What's in your Scrapbook for JKRowling.com ?
> ( http://www.hp-lexicon.org/about/sources/jkr.com/jkr-com-
scrapbook.html )
> * What's your personal best for Expert Level Minesweeper?
Never played it, although last night playing 13 point pitch I
bid 8 on an Ace, a 10 and a three and my partner and I got 10 points.
> * When did you join HPfGU? How did you find us?
I received my greetings from Sheryll on Fri, 16 Nov 2001.
I don't recall if I heard of HPFGUs from the Sugarquill or
not. Most likely I did since I had been lurking over there for a
bit longer yet.
> * Point us to your delurking post...how was that maiden voyage?
What?! You expect me to battle with Yahoomort!? Ahh, found it-
my first post was #34889. It was about Hermione ripping the page
out of the library book. Starting at 39057 I got involved in a
thread that came about from the Memory Charm Symposium.
> * Point us to your favorite posts, your own or otherwise.
One word- ELKINS. I loved getting on HPFGUs and seeing a post
by her and then a reply from Cindy, or Amanda, or Porphyria.
My favorite post I made was on about the Boggarts I made which
I made because of an old Avengers episode I was watching about
fear. I theorized that they fed off fear.
> * Point us to, in hindsight, what you now wish you'd never said
> [ex.: ships sunken by new can(n)on, being flagged by LOONs...]
I never posted enough to have much of anything to be
embarrassed about.
> * Have you been around since August 2000? No, just since Feb, 2001.
What were the hot
> topics for you personally five years ago, post-GoF?
Snape, of course. Totally not-hot topic was Shipping.
> * What things about you often come as a surprise to others?
Well I have a history degree...but don't know what to do with
my job-related life and so cashier at Walmart. What surprised me is
how much I enjoy my part-time job at a tollbridge. They both make
doing www.wheresgeorge.com a lot easier.
Another surprise is I'd like to learn more about cars. I wish
I'd have asked my dad to teach me more when I was high school age
back when he used to work on cars a bit more than now.
> * Things you do when not staring at the computer:
Reading, getting together with family to play cards, working,
in theory I like gardening, though I don't have enough time.
> ** Got a question of your own? Ask it here.
Not really a question but I an observation I recalled after
reading my old posts. I still don't see why the wizards, who
supposedly have such a longer lifespan aren't really much longer
lived than most non-wizards. Re: post 109815.
> More HP fun (share your results please!):
> * Ever wonder into which Hogwarts House the Sorting Hat would
> put you? If you're not sure, get sorted at
I think I'd most likely end up in Hufflepuff.
* Is your interest in Harry Potter just good, harmless fun...or
> are you bordering on obsessive? Find out here:
> The HP Obsession Test: http://www.fuuko.com/hpquiz.html
56% obsessed
> * Passionate about HPfGU's myriad of theories? Pick up some
> acronyms to decorate your signature with at
> Inish Alley (then click on "Printable Report"):
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/database
> Hypothetic Alley:
> http://www.hpfgu.org.uk/faq/hypotheticalley.html
Hey, I slaved and slaved and made one acronym myself:
Snape, A Nocturnal Grouch. Undead? Indeed Not Everyone!
(Oh My Goodness, it was difficult to come up with)
A Goldfeesh, (who'd forgotten *hangs head* that Gail Bohacek
dedicated Hagrid's Blues *Yer Blues* to me! *G* )
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