[HPFGU-OTChatter] Tink-Tink-Tink!

Mira anurim at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 07:06:53 UTC 2005

Brandishing a naughty cup of peppermint tea, Mira lets
out a monotonous squeak:

> "HERE'S to FIVE more YEARS!"

and joins in the fun. I'll reply before I read the
other posts, and then I'll look to see how typical I

> * Name(s).

Mira, short for Miruna, which is a name (for all HP
intends and purposes, my own).

> * Provide the etymology of your
> signature/handle/moniker/email 
> address. In other words, how and why did you choose
> the name 
> you use on the HPfGU lists.

anurim is the reverse of Miruna (yes, I do am the
complete reverse of myself!:)

My HPANA nickname is 'ALuna' (HPANA is the first HP
forum on which I participated). Apart for meaning that
I am a kind of a Luna(tic), 'aluna' also means
'peanut' in my first language.

> * Whose signature/handle/moniker/email address at
> HPfGU 
> (a)  do you wish you had come up with first?
> (b)  intrigues you?

(a) I don't know if they write on OTChatter or only on
the main list, but here are three I remember I liked
(the many others I forgot I cannot mention, I am

Alla ('ala' is Spanish for 'wing', and the name sounds

zgirnius (just perfect!)

heather the buzzard

Oh, and Pippin, Dumbledad, Snapette, Chancie, Kemper,
Speedy Elf... many, too many to mention.

(b) The name Richard Jones intrigues me because I knew
somebody wearing it in real life and I wonder if it is
the same person :)

> * If you lived in the Potterverse, who would you be,
> and what 
> would you do for a living?

I would probably teach at Hogwarts (as I hope Neville
will; I hope he will be the first DADA professor after
Voldemort's curse is lifted). I like to pretend I
would also be a consultant for Weasley Wizarding
Wheezies (as soon as I learn how to spell the name of
the shop).

> * What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?

I'm a simple girl at heart: I would see myself
together with the man whom I love (and who would
magically love me back just as much!).

> * What shape would a boggart take, if you chance
> upon one?

Far too horrible to write it. Just two hints: I am
afraid of fire and I am horrified by cruelty and
unnecessary suffering. I am also afraid of illnesses
that change your personality and make you forget:
Alzheimer, dementia... but the first choice is worst.

> * What happy memory will you rely upon, if you are
> to conjure 
> up a Patronus?

There are a few (I don't need much to be happy). I
would use whichever one that works. Dancing on the
streets of a tiny Spanish village, perhaps.

> * What form might your Patronus take?

A sea wave.

> * What might your animagus form be?

I wouldn't be altogether surprised if it was a
> * What gifts would you register for in Diagon Alley?
>  Or would 
> it be Knockturn Alley?  How about at Weasleys'
> Wizard Wheezes?

You would be hard put to budge me from Florish and
Blotts. But if you do, you would be crazy to try to
take me out of Ollivander's. I wouldn't mind a visit
to Madam Malkins either. I would live at Weasleys
Wizardings Wheezes.

> * Times being what they are...what is your favorite
> flavor of 
> jam?  What is your dearest ambition?

The only flavors of jam I can tolerate are sour cherry
and quince. If lemon jam existed I would probably give
it a try too.

Dearest ambition? Possibly to become a writer.

> * Which of the HP books is your favorite?


> * Who is your favorite character?

I love the lot: Dumbledore, Hermione, Harry, Luna,
Lupin, Neville, Minerva, Molly, Arthur, Fred, George,
Ron, Sirius, Hagrid, Grawp... all the good guys in
fact. Those I didn't mention, either I forgot or I am
not crazy about. Oh, and I love Fleur. I also love how
Draco could not become a killer (crying in the
bathroom, poor baby!) although I don't like him as a
character. I also liked Cedric. And Cho, poor Cho, she
was not that bad at all; I wouldn't like somebody like
her, but she has been through a lot of heartbreak. And
Poppy. And Professor Flitwick. And Professor Sprout.
And Grubby Plank. And the Fat Friar. Hold me or I'll
list the whole cast here. And Horace, poor victim of
hedonist devils.

> * What do you hope will happen in Book 7?

Snape redeemed!!!

> * What do you think will happen in Book 7?

Just the usual, love etc.

> * Given all the books whose titles are canon (see 
> http://www.hp-lexicon.org/wizworld/books.html )
> which would you 
> read cover to cover *first*?

Probably something on Transfiguration or Charms. Oh,
and the Healer's Helpmate, whatever it's called. But
to be honest I would probably open first the
Quintessential Quest thingie, because I am curious
what is inside. And I would definitely be interested
in Arithmancy and Ancient Runes books.

> * What's in your Scrapbook for JKRowling.com ?

It gets cleaned empty every time I close the site. No
idea why.

> * What's your personal best for Expert Level
> Minesweeper?

100 +/- 10. I haven't played it in many years.

> * When did you join HPfGU?  How did you find us?

A few months ago. No idea how.

> * Point us to your delurking post...how was that
> maiden voyage?

Don't remember and am not a member of the main list
(until I have a little more time, which is, until
obsession gets the better of me).

> * Point us to your favorite posts, your own or
> otherwise.

I LOVE most posts on HPfGu. They make me feel very
humble. Everybody is a better writer than I am (and my
dearest ambition is to be a writer - sniff, sniff!).
Of mine, I like the ANTIVIRUS ship (which I'm glad to
say still sails, although I haven't posted anything on
it after the last hurricane). Oh, and I am in awe with
people who write filks (where does this name come
from, anyway?). The list elves also are superb

> * Point us to, in hindsight, what you now wish you'd
> never said 
> [ex.: ships sunken by new can(n)on, being flagged by
> LOONs...]

When people actually replied to ANTIVIRUS I was so
shocked that I fired three posts in a row just
welcoming everybody on board, hugging new shipmates,
wiping my tears of joy etc. I wish I wouldn't have
been quite as exuberant then. But mostly, I wish I
would have taken a little more time on most posts I've
made and structure them better.

> * Have you been around since August 2000?  What were
> the hot 
> topics for you personally five years ago, post-GoF?


> * What things about you often come as a surprise to
> others?

That I am a keen tanguera and I adore dance in general
(no surprise that I am actually quite bad at it, but
who cares).

> * Things you do when not staring at the computer:

When I don't stare at the computer I stare at handsome
adult human males, whatever else I happen to be doing
:) Really, work, movies, read, write (though I do that
mostly on the computer), walk, dance, chat to friends,
travel, learn languages, swim, daydream, daydream,

> ** Got a question of your own?  Ask it here.

Any available... ?

Oops. No, not really, I'm just sticking to what seems
to emerge as a theme of this message :)

> * Ever wonder into which Hogwarts House the Sorting
> Hat would 
> put you? If you're not sure, get sorted at

> Professor MacFusty's Sorting Hat:


> http://www.personalitylab.org/tests/ccq_hogwarts.htm

Hufflepuff 74%, Ravenclaw 62%, Gryffindor 60%,
Slytherin 41%, but I was really, really, really modest
and self-critical when answering the questions.



> * Is your interest in Harry Potter just good,
> harmless fun...or
> are you bordering on obsessive? Find out here:
> The HP Obsession Test:
> http://www.fuuko.com/hpquiz.html



"Part time Potter fan. You probably have a real life"

Bordering on:

31-60% "You are obsessed"

> * Passionate about HPfGU's myriad of theories? Pick
> up some 
> acronyms to decorate your signature with at
> Inish Alley (then click on "Printable Report"):
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownups/database
> Hypothetic Alley:
> http://www.hpfgu.org.uk/faq/hypotheticalley.html

Flamingos in the Cathedral is too beautiful a name not
to want a share of it. And I did think about the
original theory before joining HPfGU (then I gave it
up and now I quite believe there is some truth into
the assumption).

> * Finally, just how well do you know the canon? Take
> the quizzes, 
> play the puzzles and games.  So, are you savvy or
> sorry?
> Scholastic's Harry Potter Wizard Challenge:

Only 16, what a shame!
> http://www.factmonster.com/spot/harrypage1.html
> http://www.mugglenet.com/games/trivia.shtml
> http://www.mugglenet.com/games/puzzles.shtml
> http://www.houseofhagen.net/board/quiz

Drains her tea and sits back exhausted,


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