Eragon and Bean

kemper mentor kempermentor at
Mon Aug 29 05:34:49 UTC 2005

What I liked about Eragon was the Story... even though there was obvious rip-offs from Pern and LotR, which is another good story that's a horrible read but for other reasons.  What I didn't like about it was the forced Dialog which led to shallow Character Development of the Mains who seem to lack flaws which also makes it hard to identify with them, let alone, like them... but I kept on wanting to, so bad, which is why I'm on the waiting list for Eldest.
I admire that Piochineislakjtoaieid wrote the story so young and that he found a publisher (though I hear it was his parents... don't know if that's b.s.)  I'm hoping Eldest is deeper, richer, and rounder because Eragon was the antonyms of those three.
Ender's Shadow...
What an engrossing read!  I lost sleep so I could finish chapters, it was like I was reading an HP book... sort of.  But I'm afraid to read the sequels.  I fear Bean may lose people to an old foe.  I rather live in the possibility of hope.  
Is it ironic that I would rather read the sequel to a book that left me a little emotionally empty while I am willing to forgo on a story that left me very emotionally sated?  Yes, I think it is.
- Kemper

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