1st post Tink Tink
Jackey Randol
mail4jackey at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 30 02:47:45 UTC 2005
This is the first time I have ever posted to anything so here goes.
> * Name(s).
My name is Jackey and I have no idea how to set up a
handle/miniker. I am not very computer savvy.
>> * Whose signature/handle/moniker/email address at HPfGU
> (b) intrigues you?>
> * If you lived in the Potterverse, who would you be, and what
> would you do for a living?
I would either be a teacher or healer. I have been told by many
different people I am a natural teacher. the healer is because our
family doctor refers tome as Dr. Mom. I am a natural diagnostian.
> * What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?The people who truely
love me.>
> * What shape would a boggart take, if you chance upon one?
My father.
> * What happy memory will you rely upon, if you are to conjure
> up a Patronus?
My "Winter Pincic" memory 17 degress out side with a wind chill of 3
below? The day after my last final in the semester I took 26
crredit hours and pulled a 3.8. ( In my under and stupider days.)
> * What form might your Patronus take?
German Shepard
> * What might your animagus form be?
> * What gifts would you register for in Diagon Alley?
chocolates, wand, clothes and potion supplies
> * Times being what they are...what is your favorite flavor of
> jam?
What is your dearest ambition?
eat my way through europe
> * Which of the HP books is your favorite?
Oder of the Pheonix>
> * Who is your favorite character?
I find my self drawn to Professor Snape.
> * What do you hope will happen in Book 7?
>Harry and Professor Snape forgive each other.
> * What do you think will happen in Book 7?
>I think that Harry will learn what the true power of love is, how
much it can hurt and how much it can heal, how when you are loved
you can draw from the strength of those who love you. In harnessing
this he will be true to himself and fulfill is distiny of over
throwing LV.
> * Given all the books whose titles are canon (see
> http://www.hp-lexicon.org/wizworld/books.html ) which would you
> read cover to cover *first*?
Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions
> * When did you join HPfGU? How did you find us?
Google, After reading HBP.
> * Point us to your delurking post...how was that maiden voyage?
>This is it.
> * Point us to your favorite posts, your own or otherwise.
I have enjoyed the whole good Snape/ evil Snape arguements
> * Things you do when not staring at the computer:
Raise kids. I have a 17 year old, 9 year old and a 3 year old. I
have taught school in the past, loved it. Kindergarten, 5th grade
and gifted middle school math and science. ( I was Pre med in my
early college career 23 years ago.)
> ** Got a question of your own? Ask it here.
This is a question that I have asked Middle school students in the
past, if you had a SERIOUS problem / secert what one teacher at
Hogwarts would you reveal it to and why?
> * Ever wonder into which Hogwarts House the Sorting Hat would
> put you? If you're not sure, get sorted at
Gryffindor everytime except into huffelpuff, there is never more
than 3 point spread between the two. I don't see myself as
Gryffindor, but those that know me say that with out a doubt I am a
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