[HPFGU-OTChatter] asking for prayer
Anne Marie Flynn
annemflynn at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 31 16:39:21 UTC 2005
Your family is in my prayers. I have a friend in New Orleans who evacuated to Little Rock. Luckily, they are all safe. She has not yet found out the state of her home, if she even has one left, much less when she will be allowed to go back. The uncertainty in her life right now must be amazing for her and her husband and two year old son.
I know that times are tough now, but if anyone can do it, please go to www.redcross.org and donate to their Hurricane 2005 Relief Fund. They take donations as small at $5 or any amount you'd like to give and they do it on line with a credit card. I support the Red Cross as much as I can and was a volunteer instructor for my local chapter for a few years. They've got blood, they need money. Everyone thinks on the large scale, like the destruction of buildings and just thinks that FEMA will handle it. But the people down there are now in dire need of just daily essentials like diapers, formula, cold medicine, dog food, little things like that that the Red Cross can get them. I sit in my kitchen in the mountains of New Jersey, dry, nice and cool with my central AC on, my son safe and sleeping in his crib, with power and a house and two working computers, and I pulled out my Visa and made as big a donation as I could handle. And it is a tax write off, if nothing else spurns you to do it.
Let's have something more in common than just our Harry Potter obsession. And Chancie, I do pray that your family is okay.
Chancie <chnc1024 at earthlink.net> wrote:
Hi, I'm sure many of you have seen the pictures of destruction
in Louisiana, and Mississippi from the hurricane, and how
serious it is. Well it just so happens that 60% of my family
lives in south MS. I grew up in Jackson county (It's located
directly on the coast, and is the county directly to the east
of Harrison County--where Biloxi and Gulfport are located)
I have not heard from anyone since the day before Katrina hit.
My parents, my brother and my grandmother were suppose to
have left and go a few miles further north to George county (directly
north of Jackson County) to a town called Lucedale, MS, I haven't
been able to contact them, and I have been unable to gather any
information from the News casts, since they are more focused
on the larger cities effected. I also have Aunts, Uncles and
Cousins that live in this area, and I heard that at least one
family refused to leave and they live in a mobile home that isn't
equipped with Hurricane ties. I would greatly appreciate any and
all prayers that would ask not only for the safety of my family
but for the safety of all of the people on the gulf coast effected
by this hurricane.
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