A new hope (not Star Wars related) was Re: No Molly in GoF movie

kemper mentor kempermentor at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 29 19:57:44 UTC 2005

I'm one of the few that thought the first two movies were vapid, eye candy.  I'm also one of the few who thought the third was better because it at least had a soul.  
But there's hope... maybe not for the next three movies... but there's hope.
Right now, somewhere in this world, there is a Li'l Petey Jackson growing up watching these movies and expecting more.  And he or she is thinking, "I can make this better."  
This Li'l Petey will, through the grace of JKR, get the movie rights decades from now, and we'll be posting messages in the yahoo group... HP for Senior/Honored Citizens-OTChatter... still bitching about yahoomort, but excitedly writing about the remake of SS and looking forward to the following November to see what Li'l Petey does with CoS and to purchase SS on DVD, or what ever the new technology is.  We will be all abuzz about how all seven movies were made within 7 years and how the studio will be releasing one a year for the next 7 years.  "Oh my God," we will say.  "This is too exciting... my chest hurts.  Where's my aspirin?"
I will be posting how much I like the new Harry over that no-talent Daniel to which everyone else on the list will be sending me hate mail.  I will be disappointed in the new Ron..."he's no Rupert," I will post sadly.  After the new CoS comes to the Multiplexs we will here that an SS Special Extended DVD (or whatever the tech is) Edition.  Heart's a flutter... gotta save up... where's my aspirin?  June will come, we'll buy it and Ooh!...the Appendices!!!  We'll be so ecstatic that there is no effing head asking super-effing lame interview questions.  The Appendices will be intelligent and honor its fans.
Many of us might not be here then, but we will watch the movies from behind the veil.
who loves Rupert!Ron and is tired of seeing him look like the Cowardly Lion in the movie posters, wtf.


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