[HPFGU-OTChatter] Borders Potter Party-Do It Again?

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 18 17:12:37 UTC 2005

The midnight party at our local Chapters store went
fairly smoothly, with only a few small

They handed out wristbands at 10, following that up
with the activities. The sorting was a bit lame, as
they asked each person what house they wanted to be
in. The activities were *all* geared to children.
You'd think they'd had the foresight to at least
include some trivia that wasn't so easy an 8 year old
could answer easily.

They had butterbeer - an odd mixture of root beer,
caramel and melted butter. It might have worked,
tastewise, had the ingredients mixed together

The biggest glitch was the disorganisation that had
them selling books to the general public about 5
minutes before giving them to those of us who had

Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. It's a lot of
fun. And I'd done a CBC interview that day, so we had
a couple people come up and say "Hey, we saw you on
TV" and ask to take our pictures. :)

Sheryll, dying of heat

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