Jonathan Stroud: another book... And other thoughts

kemper mentor kempermentor at
Mon May 30 22:06:57 UTC 2005

I just finished reading 'Buried Fire'.  A good read.  I'm going on the wait list at my library for his other book, 'Leap'.  I liked the protagonist better than Nathaniel from the Bartimaeus Trilogy, but I hope Nathaniel becomes less power-focused.
While I thought 'Eragon' was a titch boring of a read, much like LoR, I thought the story was clever, much like LoR.  (I didn't realize the ring was destroyed and had to reread a few paragraphs; 'The Hobbit' however, was quite an engaging book.)  Paolini was young when he wrote 'Eragon' so the writing is forgivable.  Therefore, I will give 'Eldest' a go later this summer.  But it is suppose to be about 700 pages, that seems like a lot.  I hope he's had time to edit out the dull and edit in the soul.
Those looking for big person book, I stratosphere-highly recommend Youth in Revolt by C.D. Payne.  One of the funniest books I've ever read, but I had to read it with a good dictionary.  It's told through the journals of a 14-year-old, high IQ boy.  Hilarity.
Finally saw Star Wars.  G. Lucas is now redeemed in my eyes.  'Narnia' was one of the trailers.  It looks good, but was hoping for a GF trailer on the big screen.

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